Rosewater, for instance, had shot a fourteen-year-old fireman, mistaking him for a German soldier. So it goes. And Billy had seen the greatest massacre in European history, which was the fire-bombing of Dresden. So it goes. If you’ve read the novel, you will know that “so it ...
McDiarmid, A. 1969. Diseases of Free-Living Wild Animals. Symposia of the Zoological Soc. London. No. 24. Google Scholar McDiarmid, A. 1962. Diseases of Free-Living Wild Animals. Food and Agriculture Org. Rome. 119 pp. Google Scholar Application for membership and information pamphlet. ...
African Americans are the second largest minority population in the United States. They are at greater risk for many diseases, especially those associated with low-income, stressful life conditions, lack of access to primary health care, and negating hea
I tried my best to stay as true to what we know of Pitcairn’s background and personality as I could, as well as representing Gage and the other historical characters in a believable manner, and I had a great deal of fun doing it! Major John Pitciarn, RIP. (To purchase the Gone fo...
The Black Revolution that became the Civil Rights Revolution interfered with growing urbanization in the predominant rural American South and industry and commencement substituted more and more the predominant bedrock of the Southern economy – agriculture. All of this should pay tribute to the end of...
agriculture in California counties and how the impact of drought accumulates overtime. Our findings suggest a small, positive relationship between drought and violent crime incidence in California counties and that this impact is lagged rather than immediate. Additionally, we do not find a difference ...
Woolfe, J.A. 1987. The potato in the human diet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Book Google Scholar Wust, W.H. 2001. The potato’s birthplace. In: The potato treasure of the Andes. From agriculture to culture, ed. C. Graves, 27–39. Lima: International Potato Center. Zeven,...