American Accent Training 2025 pdf epub mobi 用户评价 评分☆☆☆ 推荐I Learned the 'Speaking with an American Accent' first, then I listened to the 'American Accent Training'. Both of them help me much. When I was studying, my facial muscle stretched tightly, and my intonation sounded weird...
免费资源免费 《美语发音秘诀》(American Accent Training),作者为Ann Cook。这本书是为生活学习在美国加拿大的学生和商务人士量身定做的。其通过提供了大量的美式语音语调、发音的训练,让学生学习标准的美式发音,并且显著的提高学生的听力。这本书与国内市面上其他教发音的书的不同之处是强调语音语调,认为语音语调也...
[原版英文书pdf].Barrons's.American.Accent.Training.pdf 下载积分: 1500 内容提示: A guide to speaking and pronouncing colloquial American English Second Edition Ann Cook Illustrated by Holly Forsyth Audio by Busy Signal Studios BARRON'S Стр. 1 из 185 文档格式:PDF | 页数:185 | 浏览次数...
A guide to speaking and pronouncing colloquial American English Second Edition Ann Cook Illustrated by Holly Forsyth Audio by Busy Signal Studios BARRON'S Стр. 1 из 185
简介 本书从美国人日常会话的习惯和特点出发进行讲解,涉及语调、重音、断句、弱读、连读、美音中难发的音、紧元音和松元音、牙槽骨、鼻辅音和喉辅音以及汉语发音与美音的对比等。书中含有大量练习,讲练结合,让读者随时巩固。作者Ann Cook用心独到,擅长用形象的图画说明
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外语学习 > 雅思/LSAT > American Accent Training 打印 转格式 198阅读文档大小:12.58M208页秋秋上传于2015-05-15格式:PDF
American Accent Training 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 文章首发微信公众号:Ricepanda 之前推荐过一本语音初级学习者用书《赖世雄-美语音标》,赖世雄老师对这本书的讲解比较清晰,即使英语水平不错的学习者可能也会有些收获。比如书中开篇就提到的英文26个字母发音。英文26个字母对我们来说再熟悉不过,但是...
Join ChatterFox, the leading American accent training program. Get Started SpringPromotion ChatterFox’s Biggest Promotion of the Year Promo Code: Spring2025D Apply the promo code on the checkout page and get 30% off As Seen On NEWS ON 6 ...
I’m taking әmerәcәn æcsәnt Training. There’s ә lät tә learn, bәt I hope tә make әt әs әnjoyәbәlәs pässәbәl. I should pick әp än the әmerәcәn әntәnashәn pættern pretty easәly, äәlthough ...