Ellydesign0227创作的外语有声书作品American Accent Practice,目前已更新11个声音,收听最新音频章节11. American Accent Training。
English Speaking Conversation Practice _ American Accent - English Fluently, 视频播放量 314、弹幕量 0、点赞数 3、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 12、转发人数 0, 视频作者 YouTube英语课, 作者简介 精选油管最优秀英语学习视频,相关视频:5 Daily Habits to Practice Engl
🌎 American English Accent Training 🌎How To Improve Your English Speaking Hear the difference immediately. Get theTop 3 Ways to Master the American Accentcourse absolutely free. Sign up today to unlock your American voice. Who is Rachel?
Begin with an initial three-minute assessment for our Accent modification Classes. We’ll tailor a learning path for you, constantly updated for quick, effective results. Interactive Practice Thousands of engaging Accent Reduction Lessons and practices, including stimulating games, help you improve your...
Speak American English naturally and effortlessly at work, home, or in your community. Learn natural phrases, go beyond small talk, and become fluent in English with Rachel's English American accent training courses.
San Diego Voice and Accent offers customized online training on the American accent, American English pronunciation, presentation skills, and public speaking skills. All classes are taught by Julie Cunningham, a licensed speech-language pathologist and i
《American Accent Training 4th》由SuperDaniel313创作,目前已更新459个节目,包含001 - Read This First、002 - A Few Words on Pronunciation、003 - We don't have some of those sounds、004 - Vowel & Consonant Overview、005 - Vowel & Consonant Chart等内容。用
Hello, my name is___.I’m taking American Accent Training. There’s a lot to learn, butIhope to make it as enjoyable as possible.Ishould pick up the American intonation pattern pretty easily, although the only way to get it is topracticeall of the time.Iuse up and down, or peaks...
Advanced Vocabulary from the New York Times Newspaper 20220522 18:49 【2023.5】常见发音错误 Common Pronunciation Mistakes Advanced Students Still Make (1) 20:20 【2023.6.5】Fix These Pronunciation Mistakes (part 2) 纠正英语错误发音 (2) 19:10 Advanced Vocabulary and Accent Practice with The New ...
Learn English fluently and confidently with our American accent training course online. Individual voice and accent training tailored to your needs.