ONLINE COURSE Learn a general American accent in two online courses! Choose to focus on specific sounds that make up the accent or to master the bigger picture aspects that make up the dialect, and practice with carefully crafted videos. ...
American Accent Training with a professional Linguist in virtual sessions. Choose the best option for you: 1-on-1, Group Classes, or Single Session Learning. Learn More American Accent Subscription Choose one of three American Accent eCourses that fits you the best: Audio Course, Video Course,...
One-on-one American accent training for actors and professionals with Oscar-winning celebrity dialect coach Audrey LeCrone.
本套视频同样是讲发音,涵盖了很多Pronounciation Workshop种没有的进阶技巧,基本上包含了元音辅音语调节奏四大块。与APW一起看,能对美语发音的体系有更深入的了解。以上内容来自专辑 American Accent Course 4622155免费订阅 高级技巧-4 8006:36 高级技巧-3 7004:37 高级技巧-2 7507:47 高级技巧-1 7808:18 高级技...
or get an individual course for a specific need Language Packs target the American sounds that are most difficult for your native language Accent dash Practice difficult sounds/combinations in american english with fourteen short (2-5 minute) videos ...
Course Part 1 Vowel Sounds All the vowel sounds in detail plus clear explanations of difficult sounds. Bonus: practice hundreds of idiomatic expressions using the correct vowel sounds. Learn more American Accent Course Part 2 Difficult Consonant Sounds Learn the correct mouth and tongue positions ...
#The American Accent Course双语# 【第01节】更新一套新的发音课程,大家学完APW(就可以接着学这套课程。这套课程系统全面,讲解细致易懂,是目前能找到的最好的美式发音课程之一。我给...
Lisa美语American Accent Course-节奏和语调|口语进阶第二阶段2.3 米虫的happyending 2923 27 45:30 Lisa美语American Accent Course-高级技巧|口语进阶第二阶段2.2 米虫的happyending 5965 1 10:10:42 全55集【中考英语 完形填空】中考经典完形填空技巧及思维,视频+PDF 乐乐的知识百宝箱 397 0 6:18...
Lisa美语American Accent Course-辅音|口语进阶第二阶段2.1 2.6万播放 辅音介绍 01:41 1 04:36 2 06:32 3 05:32 4 03:48 5 04:15 6 04:19 7 04:36 8 06:23 46:38 Lisa美语American Accent Course-元音|口语进阶第二阶段2.4 米虫的happyending 16.7万 3 1:54:30 【全198集】花了2W买的...