Was America Founded on Christian PrinciplesObesity in America
For your listening enjoyment: God Bless America by The Marine Band Parris Island Audio Player 00:00 00:00 Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.
The study of theology, as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion. —Thomas Paine 22 I verily believe Chri...
When Pilgrims and Puritans seeking religious freedom began to arrive in the New World, they began to evangelize the Indian children, and following the War of Independence, many Founding Fathers sought to secure the wellbeing of the American Republic by fostering the biblical principles of republican...
America derives many of its policies from Christian Principles and the logic behind the Bible, including unalienable rights and natural law (see the section on Natural Law, below). Many people view America as holding a special place among nations, due to its foundations in liberty and justice....
I believe America was founded on Biblical principles. The meme of “Separation of Church and State” has been misused to remove any reference to God in public policy or education. All law is legislated morality. I submit we should use the Bible and the God of Abraham as our standard. We...
Focused on the principles of Christian orthodoxy, Moody Bible Institute operates by a five-article Doctrinal Statement originally drafted in 1928, by which its mission is to "proclaim the Gospel through equipping people to be biblically grounded, practically trained, and to engage the world through ...
“Apparently, any Christian who wants to see just laws grounded in biblical principles and Christian morality enacted in America these days is now a scary ‘Christian nationalist,’ according to secularists. As Dr. Mark David Hall explained in his white paper on ‘Christian Nationalism’ for the...
The emigrants who fixed themselves on the shores of America in the beginning of the seventeenth century severed the democratic principle from all the principles which repressed it in the old communities of Europe, and transplanted it unalloyed to the New World. It has there been allowed to ...
Political activists of the so-called “religious Right” in the United States never tire of preaching that their country was founded as “a Christian democracy.”…