A History of US,America: The Story of Us,American Revolution,Early America,History Channel,independance,Joy Hakim,textbookA History of USHistory ChannelJoy Hakim
America:TheStoryofUs •America:TheStoryofUs(alsointernationallyknownasAmerica:TheStoryoftheU.S.)isasix-part,12-hourdocumentary-dramatelevisionminiseriesthatpremieredonApril25,2010,onHistorychannel.•Theprogramportraysmorethan400yearsofAmericanhistory(withemphasisonhowAmericancreationofnewtechnologieshashad...
Tobacco sows the seeds of opportunity in the south, the north becomes a powerhouse of trade, and the American spirit is born. 7.0/10 (114)Rate Top-rated S1.E2 ∙ RevolutionSun, Apr 25, 2010 The colonies declare independence, taking on the might of the British Empire. Washington's army...
America-The Story Of Us E07-E08 [00:04.64]新的一代Anewgeneration. [00:06.94] [00:10.33]开拓一片全新的领域Onawildnewfrontier. [00:12.76] [00:14.53]直上云霄Risingintothesky. [00:16.82] [00:19.47]钢筋铁塔Leaningtowersofsteels. [00:22.08] [00:22.64]全新的城市面貌Aboldnew...
Questioning your country and constantly going back and examining the beauty of it and the flaws, I think that makes a patriotic American. — Soledad O’Brien Notes for later reference 1.Rebels 1610 Jamestown tobacco 1620 Plymouth 1768 Boston ...
1902年之前 它被用作灯塔 The statue's official name is: Liberty Enlightening the World. 这座雕像的正式名字是 自由照耀世界 At first, the symbol of the alliance and friendships between 首先 它象征了独立战争期间 France and the 13 colonies in the American Revolution. 法国和美国13个殖民地之间的...
America: The Story of Us: With Daniel Webb, Liev Schreiber, Tom Brokaw, James Meigs. Why did the United States become a global superpower? America The Story of Us is an epic 12-hour television event that explores the country's remarkable journey.
We transform our dream into the truth. Our struggles will became a nation.(我们是前锋,也是先驱。我们为自由而战。我们将梦想付诸现实。我们的奋斗将造就一个全新的国家。) 2、60; The Story of Us Adventures sail across an ocean to start new life. A nation is born, which becomes the envy ...
of the day.面对当时最强大的军事力量It's a war they never should have won.这本是一场毫无胜算的战争This is the secret history of how they did it.他们之所以胜出 秘密在于Daring.破釜沉舟Leadership.领导有方New ways of fighting出奇制胜and true American grit.和实实在在的美国精神We are pioneers...
America-The Story Of Us E05-E06 [00:00.00]本字幕由YYeTs人人影视原创翻译制作仅供学习禁止用于任何商业盈利行为更多影视更新请登陆www.YYeTs.net [00:03.00] [00:00.00]■ [00:03.00] [00:03.90]南北之战TheNorthagainsttheSouth. [00:06.10] [00:08.36]手足相残Brotheragainstbrother. [00:09....