输入下面的命令来修改时区: sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York 然后运行下面的命令来查看当前时间和时区。 timedatectl status 上面的命令能够查看当前的时区和时间。 https://www.ossez.com/t/fedora-america-new-york/13917
importdatetimeimportpytz# 定义时间戳timestamp=1634567890# 创建一个datetime对象,使用UTC时区utc_datetime=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)# 将UTC时间转换为美国纽约时区ny_timezone=pytz.timezone('America/New_York')ny_datetime=utc_datetime.astimezone(ny_timezon...
本系列的目的是明明白白、彻彻底底的搞定日期/时间处理的几乎所有case。上篇文章 铺设所有涉及到的概念...
timezone string A timezone database string for the event, e.g., America/New_York. event_type enum The type of the event, one of: CANVASS, PHONE_BANK, TEXT_BANK, MEETING, COMMUNITY, FUNDRAISER, MEET_GREET, HOUSE_PARTY, VOTER_REG, TRAINING, FRIEND_TO_FRIEND_OUTREACH, DEBATE_WATCH_PARTY...
Current local time of world. Get world's local time and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore world's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset etc.
Avalon ( Santa Catalina Island ) California USA TIME : Tue Jan-14-2025 20:54:21 PM PST Moonrise : 18:06:22 PM 63.92° [ East-Northeast ] Moonset : 07:50:22 AM 298.34° [ West-Northwest ] Babylon New York USA TIME : Tue Jan-14-2025 23:54:21 PM EST Moonri...
# That 1883 transition occurred at 12:00 new time, not at 12:00 old time. # See p 46 of David Prerau, Seize the daylight, Thunder's Mouth Press (2005). # From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22): # A good source for time zone historical data in the US is ...
States in the America/New_York time zone New York Note that states may span multiple time zones, so it's often better to search for a particular city to find the local time zone. World time zones Travelmath provides a database of time zones all over the world. You can use this data ...
EST是UTC - 5小时。America/New_约克在冬天是EST,在夏天是EDT,所以现在纽约是UTC - 4小时。
EST是UTC - 5小时。America/New_约克在冬天是EST,在夏天是EDT,所以现在纽约是UTC - 4小时。