Fast forward to today, and this is one of the best-preserved Civil War battlefields in the country. The open fields and dense forests are just as they were during the battle. Visitors can explore the preserved trenches, a memorial monument, and the iconic Bloody Pond, dyed red by the woun...
Confederate States of America, the government of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860–61, following the election of Abraham Lincoln as U.S. president, prompting the American Civil War (1861–65). The Confederacy acted as a separate gov
During theAmerican Civil War(1861–65), theConfederate States of Americabegan to use its first flag, the Stars and Bars, on March 5, 1861. After theFirst Battle of Bull Run, when similarity between the Stars and Bars and theUnionStars and Stripesmade it difficult for troops to distinguish...
When the American Civil War broke out in 1861 both Confederate and Union experts decided that specialized sharpshooter units should be formed. These highly trained marksmen served in a front-line role and, due to the technological developments of the 1850s, were equipped with weapons that could ...
President Abraham Lincoln and in reference to U.S. constitutional liberty, is provided. The emancipation of African American slaves during the U.S. Civil War is also discussed.BlightProfessorDavidProfessorW.ProfessorColumbia: The Magazine of Northwest History... Enter the keywords you are looking for and the site will be searched and all occurances of your request will be displayed. You can also enter a date format, April 19,1862 or September 1864. Grant Rises in the West ...
Answer to: What event in post-Civil War America has had the most important impact on American culture or political, economic, social, or religious...
War of 1812 In 1812, the War of 1812 began between the US and Britain, partly over the effects of British restrictions on US trade during the Napoleonic Wars. It was during this the White House was burnt down.[20][21] In 1817, James Monroe became the 5th President of the United Sta...
Find the latest Captain America Civil War news from WIRED. See related science and technology articles, photos, slideshows and videos.
who served, or is serving, in any service branch during war or peace is eligible for listing. Also invited are Civilian workers, volunteers, Government employees, journalists, Volunteers, Red Cross personnel, State Department, and Intelligence Services who served in a conflict area during ...