Ameren Not Liable for Lake of the Ozarks ElectrocutionThe Missouri Supreme Court found Ameren Missouri isn't liable forthe electrocution deaths of two...Barker, Jacob
, 1997, AmerenEnergy Resources, holding company, 2000, AmerenEnergy Marketing, AmerenEnergy Generating , AmerenCILCO, Central Illinois Light Company, 2003, AmerenIP, Illinois Power Company, 2004, The AmerenUE subsidiary owns Bagnell Dam on the Osage River, which forms the Lake of the Ozarks. ...
Is Ameren Liable for Swimming Children Electrocuted in Lake of the Ozarks?; Top Missouri Court Hears Lake Electrocution CaseJEFFERSON CITY * Brayden and Alexandra Anderson's electrocutionand drowning in the Lake of the...Jacob BarkerJesse Bogan...
Granting rehearing of its July order on a shoreline management plan filed by Ameren Corp. subsidiary Union Electric Co. d/b/a Ameren Missouri, FERC on nNov. 10 clarified that no structure that was legally constructed around the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri will have to be removed.Marcy ...