The article discusses the proposed amendments of the Governance Task Force to the AACE International's Constitution and Bylaws. The proposed amendments include the creation of an Executive Committee to manage ...
According to Article 116 of the Constitution, the electoral commission has the mandate to analyse and revise laws governing elections and to make appropriate recommendations to government. Types of ballots that are to be used during the elections and security measures to ensure fair elec...
California State Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Standards; Amendments to On-Highway Heavy-Duty Vehicle In-Use Compliance Program, Amendments to 2007 and Subsequent Model Year On-Highway Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles, and Amendments to Truck Requirements; Notice of Decision Gina McCarthy Environmental...
President Bush's Military Order establishing military commissions to try suspected terrorists was the focus of intense debate both at home and abroad. Critics argued that the tribunals could violate any rights the accused may have under the Constitution as well as their rights under international law...