Define Amendments. Amendments synonyms, Amendments pronunciation, Amendments translation, English dictionary definition of Amendments. n. 1. The act of changing for the better; improvement: "Society may sometimes show signs of repentance and amendment" .
an alteration proposed or effected by this process a constitutional amendment the act of amending something : correction a material (such as compost or sand) that aids plant growth indirectly by improving the condition of the soil soil amendments amendments词组 amendments to the constitution宪法修正...
Members of Congress propose an average of nearly 40 constitutional amendments every year. However, most amendments are never ratified or even passed by the House or Senate. In fact, the Constitution has been amended only 27 times in history. The last time a proposed amendment to the U.S. Co...
Which two amendments are part of the Illinois state Constitution, but not the Federal? What was the original Bill of Rights? What is the name of the first 10 amendments? Which U.S. Constitution amendment was the most recent one to be passed? What is included in the 6th and 7th Amendmen...
number.Thefirsttenamendmentsalongwithtwoothersthatwerenotratifiedwereproposed byCongressonSeptember25,1789,whentheypassedtheSenate,havingpreviouslypassed theHouseonSeptember24(1AnnalsofCongress88,913).Theyappearofficiallyin1Stat. 97.RatificationwascompletedonDecember15,1791,whentheeleventhState(Virginia)ap- ...
The proposed legislative amendments would not alter the current requirements for vehicle owners to validate their vehicle permit. Impacts of supporting regulations will be assessed and published in a subsequent posting when the regulations are developed; however, significant time savings may be realized....
well includeyourdiscussion ontheamendmentsproposed by Dr Fernando CHEUNG or the Secretary. 全委會主席:梁耀忠議員,我們現正進行合併辯論,如果你要討論張超雄議 員或局長的修正案,都可以一併提出來。 ...
The amendments proposed are to be found in the Annex to 181 EX/36 and became effective on 1 January 2010. 修正建议载于第181 EX/36 号文件附件,已于 2010 年 1 月 1 日生效。 [...] amendment bills2 over the past few years, it has been found...
The most sweeping amendments, if passed, would ban civil unions and allow social conservatives to challenge the ability of governmental entities and private companies to offer domestic partnership benefits. No wedding bells: why banning same-sex marriage spells disaster Congress proposed 10 Amendments to...
aA Democratic version proposed by Senator Mark Udall of Colorado fell short 21 to 79, while a Republican version proposed by Senator Orrin G. Hatch of Utah failed along party lines 47 to 53. To pass, the amendments needed support from two-thirds of the Senate, or 67 votes.[translate]...