It also provides “equal protection of the laws” to all citizens of the country. All of the above is covered by Section 1 of the 14th Amendment. Sections 2-5 Sections 2, 3, and 4 of the 14th Amendment are primarily relevant only in the context of the Civil War (specifically ...
drafted asanamendment of section22oftheCO. At present, in respect of the regulation in [...] 這項條文原本的草擬條文是根據《公 司條例》第22條修訂而成,當局現就這一部分和其他各部分類似的規 定,把原本訂明的日期由14天修訂為15天。
Amendment 2 - Luminaires. Part 2: Particular requirements. Section Nineteen: Air-handling luminaires (safety requirements)doi:IEC 60598-2-19:1981/AMD2:1997TC 34/SC 34D
14, 2024), after giving effect to any extension thereof in accordance with the first proviso to Section 8.01(b)(i) of the Acquisition Agreement as in effect on April 14, 2024 (without giving effect to any extension thereof in accordance with the last sentence of Section 9.11 of the ...
of1987,section2ofAct90of1988,section1ofAct99of1988,GovernmentNotice R780of1989,section 2 of Act 70 of 1989, section 2 of Act 101 of 1990, section 2 of Act 129 of 1991, section 2 of Act 141 of 1992, section 2 of Act 113 of 1993, section 2 ...
the marginal notes whereof are respectively Compulsory licences and revocation, Revocation of patents worked outside the United Kingdom, Cancellation of registration of designs used wholly or mainly abroad, and Register of patent agents, and for the addition of a new section (38 A) under Part I...
A citizen of a State, under Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution, before the Fourteenth Amendment, was recognized as a citizen of the United States, under international law. However, the Fourteenth Amendment transferred a citizen of the United States (with its common privileges ...
标准号:IEC 60287-2-1:1994/AMD1:2001 EN-FR 标准名称:修正案1-电力电缆-电流额定值的计算-第2部分:热阻-第1节:热阻的计算 英文名称:Amendment 1 - Electric cables - Calculation of the current rating - Part 2: Thermal resistance - Section 1: Calculation of thermal resistance ...
aLikewise, in the United States, after the adoption of the Fifth Amendment, two branches of the government began to exercise independent power to compel testimony despite a Fifth Amendment privilege. Article II, section 2 of the Constitution explicitly provides the President with a power to pardon...
外贸函电09.09 Lecture 14 LC Amendment (Unit 10)Lecture14L/C Objectives:Afterthissectionyouwill:1.beabletocheckupanL/C.2.beabletowritealetterofextension,andaletterofamendment.Check&AmendaL/C 信用证的审核内容:1.信用证的种类及条款与合同一致。2.信用证中的两个主要当事人,即开证人和受益人...