M PenroseAM TexasPenrose, Meg. 2014. Returning to a state’s right model: Amending the constitution’s most controversial and misunderstood provision. Connecticut Law Review 46(4): 1463–1511.
Trump said in February at the CNN-Telemundo debate in Texas. “I would absolutely get rid of Obamacare. I want to keep pre- existing conditions. It’s a modern age, and I think we have to have it.” But Trump’s recent answer in the Journal is a softening even from the plan ...
individually as a "LENDER"), OF THE FOURTH PART, - and - THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK, a Canadian chartered bank, as agent of the Canadian Facility Lenders (hereinafter referred to as the "CANADIAN AGENT"), OF THE FIFTH PART, - and- - 2 - TORONTO DOMINION (TEXAS) LLC, as agent of ...
Texas Supreme Courtjurisprudential policycommon law as public policyThe Texas Supreme Court recently held that a claim of civil conspiracy is a derivative tort that shares the statute of limitations of the underlying tort. AgarSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
FERRERES COMELLA, V. (2013): "Amending the National Constitutions to Save the Euro: Is This the Right Strategy?" Ferreres Comella Victor, 2013, "Amending the National Constitutions to Save the Euro: Is This the Right Strategy?", Texas International Law Journal, XLVIII(2): 223-240....
A.GeorgetownUniversityEBSCO_AspTexas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil RightsKlusas, J. (2003). Providing students with protection they deserve: Amending the Office of Civil Rights’ Guidance on Title IX to protect students from peer harassment in schools. Texas Journal of Civil Liberties and ...