The spelling in my theme wasamendedby the teacher. 老师修改了我作文中的拼写错误. 辞典例句 The constitution wasamendedso that women could vote. 宪法经过修改以使妇女拥有投票权. 辞典例句 We haveamendedthe quantity as 200 metric tons. 我们已将数量改为二百公吨. ...
The amended marital property system between the two sides of Taiwan Straits tends to be similar in some aspects while conflicts still exist. 修改后的两岸新夫妻财产制,虽然呈现出一些共同点,但仍有诸多冲突。 8. Building deeds might have to be amended to stop tenants hanging out ...
amended是什么意思、amended怎么读 读音:英[ə'mendɪd] 美[ə'mendɪd] amended 基本解释 vt.& vi. 修改;改进;改善 v. 改良,修改,修订( amend的过去式和过去分词 ) amended 词性变化 原型:amend 过去分词:amended 过去式:amended 词组短语 ...
amended是什么意思 音标: 英 [ə'mendɪd] 美 [ə'mendɪd] a. 修正的 a. of legislation s. modified for the better amended的用法和例句: 1.It sounds like they're making amends, but they're twisting it, trying to force people who have wronged them to make amends to them....
具体区别如下:1. 基本含义 revised:这个词通常用于表示某物经过修改或更新,可能是进行了全面的更改或是部分的调整。它强调了对原有内容或设计的重新审视和修改。amended:这个词更多用于表示法律文档或者合同中的修改。它强调对原文件的正式更改,特别是在法律上或正式场合下对某条内容或条款进行的修正。
2.amended- modified for the better; "his amended ways" better- (comparative of `good') superior to another (of the same class or set or kind) in excellence or quality or desirability or suitability; more highly skilled than another; "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din"; "a ...
Ahead of the amended petition, a judge put the Trump administration’s attempt to deport Khalil on pause on Wednesday. FromSalon Some of the MV Alfred's sailing times have been amended to accommodate the extra crossing. FromBBC A government spokesperson said legislation would now be amended to...
The meaning of AMENDED is changed or modified especially to make a correction or improvement. How to use amended in a sentence.
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