git commit --amend -m "New message" git push --force repository-name branch-name Remember that using –force is not supported, as this changes the history of your repository. If you force push, people who have already cloned your repository will have to manually fix their local history. ...
原文地址:信息push后,如何修改,amend可以修改最后一次commit信息,但对于历史提交信息,需要使用rebase命令。1比如要修改的commit是倒数第三条,使用下述命令:gitrebase -i HEAD~32把pick改为edit 3 然后 :wq 出现如下信息 ...
After editing some code and doing a commit and a push to a remote repo, I noticed that I had an error in my commit message. I used amend to correct this. First I tried to push, but this was not allowed, So I did a pull and then a push. Everything appeared to work....
然后使用git diff before_commit_id after_commit_id > d.diff获取修改前和修改后的差异。 接下来使用git checkout before_commit_id回到提交之前 最后使用git apply d.diff应用您所做的真正更改。 这解决了我的问题。 k kenorb 您可以执行以下操作来撤消您的git commit —amend git reset --soft HEAD^ git ...
Theamendprocess creates the illusion that the Git commit message changed, but that's not what happens in the Git version control system. How reflog appears after you change the last Git commit message. Don't push a Git commit update
I find myself really often committing things with the message "f" as a reminder to rebase -i and mark as fixup later. Sometimes I forget and I push these changesets :( Would be good to see this - maybe a tickbox near the commit button for "Amend last commit" - ticking it should... Initial commit after move to git VC Jan 8, 2022 bug fix: links made to be used in chroot were not relative and had be… Dec 8, 2023 minor change to pauses duration Nov 10, 2023 added borders color ...
You DON'T need to execute the "git commit --amend" command to trigger the "commit-msg" hook (the Gerrit hook which adds the Change-Id in the commit message). You just need to execute: git commit git push origin HEAD:refs/for/BRANCH If you really need to execute ...
* 40630e3 Version 1.0 commit * 0d07197 This is a new commit message. * bd6903f first commit In order for the changes to be saved on the Git repository, you have to push your changes using “git push” with the “-f” option for force. ...
So wit NO uncommitted files I had to push 'Commit' (top left)! Then find that option. Then get a popup in bad English: "Do you want to replace the commit text above with the message from the previous commit?" No, the other way around! And it is not 'above'. And for some reaso...