Description Amend last commit feature is very useful and exists in many git clients, but not in GitHub Desktop. It would be nice if we have it in GitHub Desktop too. Current workaround is click Undo and commit again but I've to carefully...
Be in this state where you have a local commit already and a staged change: Run Commit (Amend): Accept the commit message 🐛 the commit does get amended, but then sync changes occurs and my code is pushed: I was expect no push/sync since it's in the top section of this men...
Gerrit根据change-Id识别你的patch,出于各种原因,你原来提交代码的本地仓库坏掉,这时你可以从Gerrit上取下你的patch,由于这时你不能再git commit -a --amend, 你可以在commit log的最下边写上你原来的Change-Id,还是可以提交到你原来的change上,生成一个更新的patch。 有用1 回复 撰写回答 你尚未登录,登录后可...
The already pushed change, if people have pulled it, is something you'll have to live with. If no one's pulled it (i.e. you realize your mistake right after pushing), you can amend your commit: git commit --amend Make sure you don't add any new changes to the commit - don't...
Gitでコミットをした後に「あ、この変更をコミットし忘れた!」ってことあると思います。 そんなときに使える amendという機能について知ったのでまとめます。 使い方 コミットし忘れたものをインデックスに追加(git add) amendを実行するgit commit --amend ...
The history documented in the Git log is what's replicated when a developer pushes to a remote repository such as GitHub or GitLab. That means no public evidence exists to indicate that any other commits happened. In the end, the net effect of thegit commit –-amendcommand is that the ...
However, the fact that a revert preserves the Git commit you are trying to undo is also one of its drawbacks. Any errors or mistakes you attempt to hide remain in your local repository and become part of the public Git commit history as soon as you push to GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket...
Issue Type: Bug When I change a file (which is under git) and git correctly sees it as M (modified) and then I decide not to make a new commit, but rather amend the previous one( using the command : "git commit --amend" in external termi...
2 回答664 阅读 如何实现在关机之前检验仓库,如果有commit就提示git push? 有一个场景是比如在家里和在公司都开发项目,但是在家里关机之前忘记git push到仓库,请问这样的场景是否有方式检查本地项目并且如果有commit就提示git push? 2 回答978 阅读 相似问题 git push 到github,github上为啥不更新呢? 6 回答18.6k...
VSCode Version: 1.31.0-insider (user setup) OS Version: Windows 10 Steps to Reproduce: Open a project inside a Git repository. Make some changes and then create a commit using the source control panel. Change 2 files and then stage one o...