git commit --amend -m "New message" git push --force repository-name branch-name Remember that using –force is not supported, as this changes the history of your repository. If you force push, people who have already cloned your repository will have to manually fix their local history. ...
在使用Git进行版本控制时,遇到git commit --amend后git push失败的情况是比较常见的,这通常是因为你修改了最近的提交(commit)内容,但远程仓库(如GitLab)上的历史记录并未同步这一变更。以下是一些步骤和建议,帮助你解决这个问题: 1. 确认本地Git仓库状态 首先,确保你了解本地的Git仓库状态。你可以使用git status...
git reset命令是git中重置命令,即用来撤销某次提交(commit)。首先,我们得了解,git reset可以帮我们重置哪些内容: 1、修改本地仓库中commit对象(快照) 如下图: 此... git撤销commit 场景: 不小心commit了一个不应该commit的修改,但是还没有push,想撤销那个commit 命令: a)git log b)git reset --hard commit...
$ git reflog6889e84 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: commit (amend): modified1/2/3.txt b82585f HEAD@{1}: commit: modified1/2.txt $ gitresetb82585f Unstaged changes afterreset: M3.txt $ git status On branch master Your branch is ahead of'origin/master'by1commit. (use"git push"to ...
b82585f HEAD@{1}: commit: modified1/2.txt $ gitresetb82585f Unstaged changes afterreset: M3.txt $ git status On branch master Your branch is ahead of'origin/master'by1commit. (use"git push"to publish yourlocalcommits) Changesnotstagedforcommit: ...
我们偶然发现的一个问题是无法重写提交。当尝试使用eb deployafter runnig进行部署时git commit --amend,我们收到以下错误:错误:InvalidParameterValueError - “向 CodeCommit 发出请求时出错:无法检索 0fb2ddf61003f05e67aeabe...(服务:AWSCodeCommit;状态代码:400;错误代码:CommitIdDoesNotExistException;请求 ID:bee56...
现在您的更改与以前一样。所以你完成了撤销git commit —amend 现在您可以执行git push origin <your_branch_name>, 推送到分支。 gar*_*mac7 差不多晚了 9 年,但没有看到提到的这种变化可以完成同样的事情(它是其中一些的组合,类似于顶级答案(/sf/answers/102148511/) . ...
# parent node of the commit that HEAD is currently pointing to." git reset --soft HEAD@{1} # commit the current tree using the commit details of the previous # HEAD commit. (Note that HEAD@{1} is pointing somewhere different from the ...
git commit --amend Make sure you don't add any new changes to the commit - don't use -a, don't use git add first. Then you can force the push, since this is a non-fast-forward change: git push -f If anyone's already pulled the commit with the incorrect name... this prob...
在已经push到远程分支的情况下,如果执行git commit --amend,再执行git push时会报错,要求你先执行git pull. 但执行git pull后,貌似变成merge了,不能再无痕修改。想问下各位这种情况下如何做才能达到相同的效果。 git 有用关注3收藏 回复 阅读8.8k 2 个回答 ...