The “Amelia Bedelia” series, created by Peggy Parish and continued by her nephew Herman Parish, introduces us to the charming female character named Amelia Bedelia. Starting in 1963 with the book “Amelia Bedelia,” the stories follow the hilarious misadventures of a literal-minded housemaid. Am...
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所属专辑:Leona's stories 猜你喜欢 6182 Amelia Bedelia by:Christy_Huang 320 Young Amelia Bedelia by:阳彻 5.7万 Time for bed by:绘本音频管理员 588 Make Your Bed by:天禄琳琅Michael 577 Amelia Bedelia糊涂女佣 by:安娜_公主 17.1万 糊涂女佣Amelia Bedelia ...
所属专辑:LJ’s English stories 猜你喜欢 86 Streets Calling-Renzo by:嘻哈有态度 470 Streetz Calling-Future by:嘻哈有态度 539 Streets Calling-Renzo by:嘻哈有态度 18 Calling Yu-ELNO/UPbeats by:情迷电音 8536 The Cuckoo's Calling by:BaLaBoBo ...