The “Amelia Bedelia” series, created by Peggy Parish and continued by her nephew Herman Parish, introduces us to the charming female character named Amelia Bedelia. Starting in 1963 with the book “Amelia Bedelia,” the stories follow the hilarious misadventures of a literal-minded housemaid. Am...
"Honestly, Amelia"A hilarious original comedy series inspired by the storybook hero Amelia Bedelia living in New York City, a lady who takes things quite literally. About Regina Gibson Cast Crew Photos Episodes Schools/Conferences Facebook
Will Amelia Bedelia go out on a limb to save him? The cat's out of the bag—this is an irresistible Amelia Bedelia adventure! Herman Parish is the author of Amelia Bedelia children's book series, nephew of original author, Peggy Parish. Having grown up with his aunt’s tales of Amelia...
Good Work, Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read Book 2) [Paperback] AbusydayMr.andMrs.RogersleaveforthedayandgiveAmeliaBedeliaalonglistofchorestodo.Notonetostandstill,AmeliaBedeliagetsrighttowork--withtotallyunexpectedresul... P Parish,L Sweat - 进口图书默认出版社 被引量: 0发表: 2011年 ...
1944 Amelia Bedelia糊涂女佣 by:少儿英语大师 17.1万 糊涂女佣Amelia Bedelia by:小时光绘本之旅 575 Amelia Bedelia糊涂女佣 by:安娜_公主 1.8万 Amelia Bedelia 糊涂女佣 by:恬心甜梦 2428 Amelia Fang Series 1-4 by:猫你个熊 459 Beauty Bars & Bullsh!t-Bri Biase by:嘻哈有态度 ...
But Amelia Bedelia is ready to help a crowd of grouchy patients. Along the way she doses out some of the best medicine of all -- laughter, of course! Herman Parish is the author of Amelia Bedelia children's book series, nephew of original author, Peggy Parish. Having grown up with ...