Amelia Bedelia Facts & Worksheets The “Amelia Bedelia” series, created by Peggy Parish and continued by her nephew Herman Parish, introduces us to the charming female character named Amelia Bedelia. Starting in 1963 with the book “Amelia Bedelia,” the stories follow the hilarious misadventures ...
These bus shaped group projects, along with the bulletin boardbannerandfree reading road signsthat are included in this set, will help you to create adynamic Amelia Bedelia bulletin board displayin your classroom during the first week of school. This Amelia Bedeliagroup projectwill provide you wit...
Can you think of any nonliteral language that you have heard or used? (Allow the students to answer. Make a list on the board of their responses.) You are now going to read part of the book, Thank You, Amelia Bedelia. While you are reading, I want you to think about any nonlitera...