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糊涂女佣1-4册盒装 Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book Box Set 艾米莉亚系列 英文原版儿童桥梁初级章节书 英文版绘本 券后价¥135在售价¥135 发货地:四川 成都 满100减20每300减30满200减40满1000减80满300减70 20元优惠券 使用期限:2024-11-29 去天猫领券 ...
Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book 是来自美国HarperCollins出版社的一套初级章节书。Amelia Bedelia 是由美国女作家 Peggy Parish 在1963年创作的形象,她天真纯洁而无心机,是个善良勤快的女佣。 唯一的问题是她总是误解主人的意思,将家事做得让主人哭笑不得。幸好她的烹饪手艺让主人神魂颠倒,才总能在闯祸之后被生气的主人...
当当中图上海进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《现货 Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book #5: Amelia Bedelia Shapes Up 英文原版 阿米莉亚贝迪莱尔 进口儿童故事书》。最新《现货 Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book #5: Amelia Bedelia Shapes Up 英文原版 阿米莉亚贝迪莱尔 进口儿童故事书
糊涂女佣1-4册盒装 英文原版绘本 Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book Box Set 艾米莉亚系列 儿童桥梁初级章节书 现货正版进口英语书籍 糊涂女佣系列 初级章节书 送精美贴纸 作者:Herman Parish出版社:Greenwillow Books出版时间:2018年06月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥156.00 ...
Amelia Bedelia, America's favorite housekeeper, had a childhood full of surprises, mischief, and hilarious misunderstandings. In this illustrated chapter book adventure, just right for fans ...
糊涂女佣10册章节桥梁书小说 英文原版 Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book 10-Book Box Set 英文版 儿童阅读读物 进口英语原版书籍 Parish, Herman华研进口原版专营店 登录查看更多图片 > 糊涂女佣10册章节桥梁书小说 英文原版 Amelia Bed... 京东价 ¥ 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 加入购物车 ...
绘本《Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book #8: Amelia Bedelia Dances Off》,Greenwillow Books 绘本内容 Amelia Bedelia does not want to take dance classes. She loves to dance for fun, but ballet is not her cup of tea, and she is sure that Dana’s School of Dance will be super boring. But guess...
绘本《Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book 3: Amelia Bedelia Road Trip! Herman Parish;Lynne Avril 》,暂无出版社信息 绘本内容 Amelia Bedelia, America’s favorite housekeeper, had a childhood full of surprises, mischief, and hilarious misunderstandings. In this illustrated chapter book adventure, just right for...
Perfect for holiday gifts and for year-round fun, this box set includes the twelve books in the New York Times–bestselling Amelia Bedelia chapter book series, plus a collectible full-color bookmark. Laugh along with literal-minded Amelia Bedelia as she earns money for a new bike, gets a ...