综上所述,Ame Publishing Company作为一家具有国际化视野和互联网思维的医学出版公司,凭借其强大的编辑团队、广泛的合作关系、数字化转型与创新举措以及明确的发展规划,必将在未来的医学出版领域取得更加辉煌的成就。
AMEPublishing Company is a globally active open access publisher specializing in the publication of medical journals and books across the broad spectrum of science, technology and medicine. It is known for its diverse and innovative publication approaches in promoting and expediting scientific research. ...
AMEPublishing Company is a globally active open access publisher specializing in the publication of medical journals and books across the broad spectrum of science, technology and medicine. It is known for its diverse and innovative publication approaches in promoting and expediting scientific research. ...
AME Publishing Company (简称AME,代表Academic Made Easy, Excellent and Enthusiastic)创立于2009年7月,是一家崇尚创新、具有国际化视野和互联网思维的医学出版公司。AME拥有专业的期刊运营团队,提供以国际组稿为核心竞争力的全流程出版服务。专注于国际...
AME Publishing Company(简称AME,代表Academic Made Easy, Excellent and Enthusiastic),是一家崇尚创新、具有国际化视野和互联网思维的医学出版公司。AME拥有专业的期刊运营团队,提供以国际组稿为核心竞争力的全流程出版服务,专注于国际医学期刊、书籍的出版和医疗科研资讯...
AME Publishing Company (简称AME,代表Academic Made Easy, Excellent andEnthusiastic)创立于2009年7月,是一家崇尚创新、具有国际化视野和互联网思维的医学出版公司。AME拥有专业的期刊运营团队,提供以国际组稿为核心竞争力的全流程出版服务。专注于国际医学期刊、书籍的出版和医疗科研资讯成果的推广,目前在香港、广州、长...
With strong leadership of Prof. Fu, the Editor-in-Chief, I believe the journal is publishing interesting and updated scientific information, especially review articles, in the field of blood transfusion, mostly by renowned experts. Also, there are many coming series led by renowned researchers, an...
十年磨一剑,进入 SCI,对于 QIMS 杂志而言是具有里程碑意义的一步。我们将会继续努力,一步一个脚印砥砺前行,争取将 QIMS 办成影像学领域顶尖的、受同行欢迎和尊敬的国际医学期刊,为推动定量影像学的临床研究和国际学术交流作出积极贡献! AME Publishing Company 2018年1月6日 发表于:...
伴随着该环节的结束,本次培训会议也在“绿城南宁”落下了帷幕! 图8 论文案例讨论环节 资讯 AME旗下13本期刊最新影响因子|2022年6月 责任编辑:陈童 AME Publishing Company 排版编辑:王翩 AME Publishing Company m.01.2023.05.22.01 点击 阅读原文 进入AME微店...