外网一个超频UP主,从头到尾可以给你讲清楚内存的工作机理,哪怕reddit或者overclock论坛都是小心翼翼的讨论,D5相关的内存都很少能查到超频是尖子生人尖人精的干活,不是普通人阿猫阿狗超个作业就万事大吉了,相比之下X3D 真给他们爆shi了 15楼2023-12-03 00:58 回复 ...
最简单的对比12代酷..Userbenchmark因为过于舔英特尔,在国外的硬件论坛上基本都不允许提这家的跑分了。。。他家因为amd出新u改过几次算分方法就是为了能让iu领先,甚至reddit intel(相当于贴吧的英特尔
与其说是amd开挂了,不如问为什么intel在skylake和 14nm节点折腾了这么久。14nm从14年的broadwell 要一...
: ASRock (reddit.com) the 5800X3D should work just fine with it. Last edited: Nov 14, 2023 Surely Not, Nov 14, 2023 #23 pegasus1 likes this. user1 Ancient Guru Messages: 3,049 Likes Received: 1,511 GPU: Mi50 MOD it kinda makes sense because amd is still fillin...
【AMD AMA &..转Dip dip potato chip选自reddit上Lisa Su和Robert的AMA,以及补充Anandtech论坛上的内容。AMD_LisaSuCEO of AMD【Ryzen在显卡瓶颈的
According to reddit users this fixes the problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/etilfr/3950x_occasionally_boots_with_cores_03_running_at/ 3 Likes Reply avet In response to drsomm Adept II 03-14-2021 03:38 PM I've solved this issue...
I did find the reddit guide and capped but boost clock to 2200mhz and frame capped to 80fps with RTSS. But this is RIDICULOUS! My brother is playing HD2 with a 3600 and a gtx 1080 and is nearly getting the same performance!! Why did I pay $550 for a card that can't deliver the...
Intel颤抖吧!AMD X390/X399芯片组曝光:真发烧 日前有传闻称,AMD将推出一套发烧级桌面平台,配备16核心32线程锐龙处理器、X399芯片组,支持四通内存和更多PCI-E通道。 现在,有国外网友曝光了几张据称是AMD X390、X399芯片组的规格布局图,涉及高端桌面平台和服务器平台,看起来AMD果然有后招。
Posted on Feb 15th 2023, 11:35 #5 TheinsanegamerN MakaveliJust a heads up. I installed these a couple hours ago and ran into a Windows repair boot loop and had to use a restore point to go back to 11.2 drivers. Some other people have reported this in the redditthread...