作者: $AMD公司(AMD)$StockTwits的官推称农企正式成为StockTwits上被关注最多的股票。
在雪球和 stocktwits的討論區裏,$AMD公司(AMD)$還在 USD 2 元到4元時,已經很多人進場重倉了,而且是長期持有著,現在都已經賺足 100%到300%了,而且都還沒打算賣,网页链接, stocktwits上就更多人了 , 网页链接, chrispycrunch, PastorGainz_Sr, bweier, KENLUSKIN, 所列的這些人都是stocktwits上AMD的長期持有...
Morgan Stanleyanalysts downgradedAMD(NASDAQ:AMD) stock today to an “equal weight” rating from an “overweight” rating However, the investment bank maintained a $176 price target on the shares. Morgan Stanley believes that the chipmaker’s artificial intelligence (AI) business may not be able t...
The information offered is based upon Christopher Tyler’s observations and strictly intended for educational purposes only; the use of which is the responsibility of the individual. For additional market insights and related musings, follow Chris on Twitter@Options_CATandStockTwits....