在Reddit子版块WSB热门概念中,备受关注的股票在周五开盘前几个小时上涨。博通(AVGO)在盘前上涨了14.5%,扭转了之前1.4%的跌幅。 MT Newswires11分钟前 英伟达、AMD和英特尔罕见联手,投资一家光芯片公司 半导体行业观察12/12 10:16 AMD:“别人恐惧我贪婪”的时刻到了? 美股研究社18:57 ...
针对新公布的微芯片出口限制措施反响强烈。 MarketWatch11分钟前 社交热点:WSB热门概念股票在周一盘前下跌;英伟达、特斯拉将低开 在Reddit子论坛WSB热门概念中最被关注的股票在周一开盘前几个小时下跌。英伟达(NVDA)在盘前下跌了3.2%,继前一交易日下跌3%之后。 MT Newswires21分钟前...
Well, before the world had ever heard of r/WallStreetBets — theRedditforum that’s setting the financial markets ablaze — there wasAdvanced Micro Devices(NASDAQ:AMD). You see, five years ago, AMD stock was trading hands in low-single-digit territory. And by low, I mean below $2. But...
Semiconductor stocks were on fire for most of last year. Advanced Micro Devices, one of the biggest players in this industry, was also among the most popular stocks on major Reddit forums. Here is what Wall Street is saying it expects for AMD shares in 2
AMDreported earnings results Tuesday afternoon in line with expectations, but the company forecast slightly less revenue than expected for its December quarter. Continue reading this article with a Barron’s subscription SUBSCRIBE NOW Reddit Stock Falls as FTC Launches Inquiry Into ‘Tech Censorship’ ...
RedditInc (NYSE:RDDT)飙升22%,公司实现盈利,净利润2990万美元,去年同期净亏损740万美元。 Snap Inc(NYSE:SNAP)升7%,第三季度业绩超预期+5亿美元回购计划。 Visa(NYSE:V)升3%,第四财季财报超过了分析师的预期,表明尽管通货膨胀加剧的压力挥之不去,但美国消费者支出仍有一定的弹性。当季收入为96亿美元,较上...
AMDreported earnings results Tuesday afternoon in line with expectations, but the company forecast slightly less revenue than expected for its December quarter. Continue reading this article with a Barron’s subscription SUBSCRIBE NOW Reddit Stock Falls as FTC Launches Inquiry Into ‘Tech Censorship’ ...
当地时间10月10日,在旧金山举行的AdvancingAI2024大会上,AMD推出InstinctMI325XAI加速器,直接与英伟达的Blackwell芯片正面交锋。AMD表示,这款AI芯片预计在2024年第四季度正式投产,2025年一季度开始向客户交付。AMD首席执行官苏姿丰表示,到2028年,数据中心、AI和加速器市场预计将增长至5000亿美元 ...
Stock Screener Earnings Calendar Sectors Nasdaq Search Ticker | AMDU.S.: Nasdaq +Watchlist You must be logged in to create alerts After Hours Last Updated:Mar 17, 2025 7:59 p.m.EDTDelayed quote $105.09 0.500.48% After Hours Volume:2.25M ...
p.s.http://reddit.com/r/AMD_Stock/comments/136duk0/upcoming_rocm_linux_gpu_os_support/ jahu00 commented jahu00 I've successfully used ComfyUI with RX 6700 on Ubuntu 22.10 (shouldn't differ too much from 22.04). I did install ROCm 5.4.3, but gave up on compiling PyTorch (it's a ...