1、打开AMD Radeon™ 软件,可以通过桌面右下角的系统托盘图标进入。在主页或游戏中心找到“性能监控”或类似的选项。2、在性能监控设置中,找到“帧率”或“FPS”选项,勾选启用。启用后,可以在游戏运行时的屏幕角落看到实时的帧率显示。2. 使用游戏中的帧率显示选项 除了AMD Radeon™ 软件外,许多游戏本身也提...
使用AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition™ 中的游戏内叠加 (ALT+R) 检查 AFMF 的帧生成状态。AFMF 2 添加了帧生成技术,以提高游戏引擎之外的 FPS。用户可以启用 AMD Software 性能指标叠加层来查看生成的 FPS。寻找一种方法来测量游戏响应时间的用户可以使用我们的帧延迟计 (FLM)。如何优化 AFMF 2AFMF 2 引入了...
Im using amd for like more than 1 month (previously nvidia and shadowplay was great, no fps drop, etc.) but...rn i see massive fps difference using "minimal install driver" than "full driver install" can i play with this? or its only me and my pc, that cause huge fp...
下载了Radeon Software游戏fps反而降低了 只看楼主 收藏 回复 贴吧用户_a6JeD74 潜龙勿用 2 原来玩csgo 200左右 现在下载了软件,调成电子竞技模式,反而fps降到了100左右,怎么回事?#显卡##AMD##Radeon# 贴吧用户_a6JeD74 潜龙勿用 2 求大佬帮忙解答一下 贴吧用户_a6JeD74 潜龙勿用 2 谁来解答一下啊 ...
果然是鸡血!AMD肾..从2014年开始,AMD每年年底都会放出一款重量级驱动,当年是催化剂Omega,接下来是Radeon Software Crimson Edition、Radeon Software Crimson
Under planet coaster the performance monitor overlay was working fine showing fps, gpu stats etc. I turned on the memory use stat temporary which also worked but when I later disabled it the fps counter vanished even though it is turned on. Resetting the performance monitor and switching fps ...
Any software applications mentioned in this guide are totally free to use. Also note the below methods of displaying in-game FPS counters are listed in no particular order, as there is no single best method and which way you do it comes down to personal preference and whether or not you ...