The software that has been directly or indirectly provided by AMD or an entity otherwise affiliated with AMD may disable or alter: (1) software including features and functions in the operating system, drivers and applications, and other system settings; and (2) system services. WHEN THE SOFTWA...
AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 22.6.1 Release Notes: этапроблемабудетустранена. Отом, какоткатитьдрайверы, рассказановRadeon™ Software Adrenalin 22.2.2 Release Notes. ...
AMD Ryzen Master not installing byonechippdevsyesterdayLatest post13m agobyTech4u 0 5 AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 25.2.1 Optional Up... bycommunity_moderatorTuesdayLatest post49m agobyQoojo 4 7 AMD DAYZ LOW GPU USAGE FIX byIgorKngon03-17-202403:23 PMLatest postan hour agobymobbie...
Ненужнооткрыватьсногидверьвчужойдом, тогдаизнегонебудутвыгонять. @DimkaTsv Please no need to redirect more nationalistic morons like him to RTSS development thread. Let them stay at their overclockers,...
КаквПО AMD Radeon™ Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition , сменитьнаноутбукеиспользуемуювидеокарту , если catalista большенет. Пожалуйстапомогите ( уменяноутбук ) ...
Recently I upgraded my Radeon drivers to adrenalin 2020 Edition. However, with the new software my Samsung Odyssey+ doesn't function properly anymore. Only the center of my field of view looks normal. The periphery is dark (see attached pic). This only happens in windows mixed reality. Steam...
ениеоборотов, априснижениитемпературыдо 64 градусов, будетрезкоеснижениеоборотов. Пользоватьсяэтойфункциейдискомфортно, постояннорезкоме...
PC Drivers & Software Options Discussions Sign In to Post AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 25.1.1 Optional Up... by community_moderator 2 weeks ago Latest post 8 hours ago by rawintellect 3 44 amd fix ur software before ANY new updates. by Tinodewino 3 hours ago 0 0 ...
Adrenalin software does not recognize the game even when added manually AFMF2 doesn't work Radeon Super Resolution doesn't work Image sharpening does not work Cutting short, no tech work They are probably busy with the new RDNA4 launch but that shouldn't be the right way to menage with...
Forcing any sort of V-sync on/off in game seems to do nothing, and no combination of free/enhanced sync being on/off in the Adrenalin software does anything either. Locking FPS to my monitor's refresh rate was ineffective, and so was locking it to a simple 60. I've ...