dual core processor就是双核处理器的意思。。。闪龙250,闪龙系列定位是最低端的处理器,性能只能是很入门级别的,这种配置的机器价格就不谈了,再说没有具体配置也不可能有价格报出,图中只有一个处理器+4GB内存而已
Socket 423考虑换成Pentium 4 2.0GHz 423针的,价格在100块左右。Socket 370的升级为Pentium 3 图拉丁 1.4GHZ在30元左右。至于Slot 1的可以考虑Pentium 3 1GHz Slot1接口的,在50元左右。如果是LGA 775的Celeron,可以考虑 Pentium Dual-Core、Core 2 Duo以及更高级的,价格从350至上千不等。
AMD refreshed all active desktop Athlon II and Phenom II families with 6 new standard-power models. These microprocessors were not the only ones released today. AMD also launched 4 low and ultra-low power Athlon II CPUs - dual-cores 270u and 250e, triple-core 420e, and quad-core 615e....
The box proudly states "True dual-core design", which only makes sense when this processor is compared to obsolete Pentium D dual-core processors (they were manufactured by combining two separate dies in the same package). All Intel Core-based processors can be also called "true dual-core ...
分享76赞 gta4吧 VP控—小豆 大家看看我的配置能玩,吗CPU AMD Athlon(tm) II P360 Dual-Core Processor(2299 MHz)主板 戴尔 08KT6J内存4.00 GB ( 1333 MHz)主硬盘 320 GB ( 未知型号 已使用时间: 未知)显卡ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 (1024MB)显示器 XM5XG N156B6 XM5XG ... 分享56赞 gt220...
AMD闪龙TMSempron 处理器:为日常计算提供价格合理的性能 OPN TrayProcessorModelFrequency (MHz)Wattage HDT55TFBK6DGRAMD PhenomTM II X61055T2800125 W HDT55TWFK6DGRAMD PhenomTM II X61055T280095 W HDT35TWFK6DGRAMD PhenomTM II X61035T260095 W ...
楼主,你好。英特尔奔腾E5300综合性能与AMD速龙X2 250相当,而速龙250比闪龙190要好很多,所以从CPU性能来说,E5300和190无疑选择E5300为优。E5300和速龙250搭配显卡应是GTS450、HD6770级别的显卡。选择E5300的时候要注意,最好搭配P41、P43、P45芯片组的主板,使用DDR3内存,但升级CPU封顶的就是Q系列(...
It provides single or dual core capability, up to three high-performance HyperTransport™ links, as well as a single 128-bit high-performance DDR2 SDRAM memory controller. A block diagram of the processor is shown in Figure 1. 64-K 64-K L1 I-Cache L1 D-Cache L2 Cache 512K/1M ...
也比较差的了 现在都是双核时代 比个速龙LE1640都差 ,可能超频性能 还可以吧 ,毕竟主频比较低 容易超
(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor CPU核心数 8 CPU默认频率 2913 MHz CPU外频 200 MHz CPU当 分享131 笔记本吧 小小哲含 大家看看这个本能不能加内存我打算给它加个内存条 看看加了之后会不会更快 电脑概览 电脑型号 三星 RV415/RV515/E3415 操作系统 Microsoft Windows 7 旗舰版 (64位/Service Pack 分享...