此时标准 SATA AHCI 控制器变更为 Virtualized AHCI Controller ,同时跑去更新 BIOS ,可能会导致 Windows 10启动时 INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE 蓝屏。 10楼2019-08-11 13:24 收起回复 超绝星 或跃在渊 7 所以说驱动强迫症才去装啊一般用户也确实用不上,ssd+机械足够,不需要再去装storemi加速用系统自带sata驱动...
AMD平台系统、鼠标..如果你在Windows10下,出现以下问题:系统操作卡顿、鼠标卡顿、安装驱动/程序很久、卡在正在关机和重启界面,排除不是显卡导致的问题的话,可以试试卸载AMD SATA Controller控制器驱动
I did put an external fan, the temperature is at about 50°C I suspect by the cpu automatically throttling back, could it be thinkable that Microsoft/AMD or this external driver improve support for SATA AHCI controller AM4 I believe is the model under windows 10 64 bit ? Universal ATA/SA...
I did put an external fan, the temperature is at about 50°C I suspect by the cpu automatically throttling back, could it be thinkable that Microsoft/AMD or this external driver improve support for SATA AHCI controller AM4 I believe is the model under windows 10 64 bit ? Universal ATA/SA...
AMD SATA Controller是磁盘控制机器,磁盘控制机器:磁盘控制器是主板上对硬盘/软盘进行控制、资源分配、数据输入输出调节的特定的电路芯片,它们一般可提供四个IDE通道,也就是说可连接四个IDE设备。设备管理器中的“磁盘驱动器”才是指平常所说的硬盘/软盘。
系统问题,我当时也是这个情况,一会死机,最后才发现是系统不兼容,换一个win10其他版本的 7楼2019-04-11 20:09 收起回复 随缘悠游 九霄腾龙 13 先卸载360/腾讯/金山/2345全家桶,改回系统默认设置,不要进行乱七八糟的系统优化,AMD官网下载AMD芯片组驱动设备管理器升级SATA驱动,禁用系统超级预读取服务,Windows企业...
amd sata c..amd sata controller驱动一定要更新,跟标准sata差距很大,尤其是4k读写,差20-30m,我老板子羿龙955,用新驱动都能差这么多。但是我1700b350挂一块ssd,一块机械,就是一个amd sata,一个标准sata,不知道怎么弄
Option 2 – Automatically update the AMD SATA Controller driver If you don’t have the time, patience or computer skills to update the AMD SATA Controller driver manually, you can do it automatically withDriver Easy. Driver Easy will automatically recognize your system and find the correct driver...
If Roll Back Driver is disabled try to Update Driver. Click on "Browse my com..." and then on "Let me pick.." and in the list should be "Standard NVM Express Controller". If not try to search for stornvme.inf. How to distinguish NVMe from SATA RAID I do not know. In my case...