cpu - Ryzen 9 5950xmotherboard - Asus TUF GAMING X570-PLUScpu cooling - Master MasterAir MA624gpu - gtx 2060 supermemory - Kingston 32gm 3200mhz Main problem - in idle cpu temp is near 70 degrees. ( I`ve checked configs, connections e.t.c - all works fine). Sometimes it going ...
AMD RYZEN 9 7940HX处理器在负压20,功耗设置100W状态下性能参数和CPU-Z测试得分。感谢粉丝“Aleash”提供测试视频! 00:23 AMD RYZEN 9 3950X处理器@4.25GHz频率下性能参数和CPU-Z测试得分。感谢粉丝“天宇控”提供测试视频! 00:49 AMD RYZEN 9 5900HX处理器关闭了smt(超线程)默频状态下性能参数和CPU-Z...
If it shows the same as Ryzen Master and HWMonitoring then something is preventing the AIO from ramping up while overheating to lower the temperatures. In BIOS there is hardly any load thus the low temperatures but in Windows the processor has more load on it while on idle than in BIOS....
震惊😨! AMD ..突然把cf下载回来玩一玩,没想到5950x直接80度起步,温度稳定83-86度,离谱,难不成我还要再花几百搞一个四代i3主机去玩?5950x带CF直接80度起步也太离谱了,我玩其他游戏最高也才73度,正常都是70度以下
AMD Ryzen ..吧友们,大家好,今天来说AMD Ryzen 9 5950X它是AMD推出的一款高性能桌面处理器。作为Ryzen 5000系列中的顶级型号,它以其卓越的性能和多核处理能力引起了广泛关注。那么它的性能如何
Ryzen 9 3950X的总分是562.11 GOPS。在这个基准测试中,Ryzen 9 5950X大约快了8.9%。在处理器多媒体测试方面,Ryzen 9 5950X的得分为2066.49 Mpix/s。在同一基准中,Ryzen 9 3950X的平均价格为1650.49 Mpix/s,所以我们看到Ryzen 9 5950X的青睐有25.2%的显著差异。那么,Ryzen 9 5950X如何对抗它的...
Ryzen 9 5950x Running at 74c, Is this a safe Temperature? I have paired a new Ryzen 9 5950x with an Asus Crosshair viii hero, but I am suffering really high temperatures. at idle the processor is running at 75C. Under very light load goes up to 80C I have tried lot o...
Ryzen 9 3950X high temp at idle Hello, I have bought 8 months ago a Ryzen 9 5950x to replace my Ryzen 7 3600X, and problem started happening, I tried to update my bios to the latest version without solving this issue My computer is as follow :motherboard : ASRock B550 Phnatom Ga...
AMD Ryzen ..吧友们,大家好,今天来说说两款cpu的性能区别,AMD Ryzen 9 3900X和AMD Ryzen 9 5950X是AMD旗下两款高性能处理器,它们在游戏、渲染、视频编辑和图像处理等方面都具备强大
CPU:Ryzen 9 5950x主板:微星B550 UNIFY-X暗黑版内存:海盗船复仇者灯条3600Mhz 16Gx2显卡:蓝宝石6900XT超白金电源:蓝宝石850W金牌全模硬盘:威刚XPG S11 256G为了测顶级平台的功耗我们也是费了不小的力气想办法将配置尽可能的堆高了。R9 5959X不用说了吧,Zen3在桌面平台的最强王者,不仅拥有16核32线程的超强...