AMD的CPU睿频 ..最近我发现我电脑开机后风扇呼呼转,噪声比较明显,像在打游戏时的噪声,有点吵。U是2700X,电源计划是AMD专属平衡计划,自动睿频是开启的,但是空载时频率一直在3.95GHz左右跳动,始终降不下来,这
Should not need RAID enabled nor any RAID drivers if only using one drive. What version is your installation media? You could try downloading Windows PE (Pre-installation Environment) and create boot media for that, it has disk partitioning tools to help setup your drive. Ryzen R7 5700X |...
All drivers, chipset, raid, graphics installed without problems. PC works solid stable on gaming, Adobe premiere etc, except TOMB RAIDER benchmark... 🙂 I will check next benchmark cpu temperatures on aida64 and lcdsmartie. MSI MPG X570 GAMING PRO CARBON WIFI | Ryzen 9 5900X | MSI ...
希望对大家有点点用啦 因为在uefi的界面用dp输出,需要用于DISPLAYPORT 1.3和1.4显示器的NVIDIA图形固件更新工具 https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/nv-uefi-update-x64/ 无此症状的显卡或者不支持的显卡系列不需要更新,注意下列菜单支持的产品,注意下列菜单支持的产品,注意下列菜单支持的产品,重要的事说三遍, ...
低U高显是在是不实用,对于生产力多开场景,CPU远远比显卡重要,配个速龙200ge配2080ti日常能干什么重活?或者R3 3300X配2070s也算低U高显了,没太大意义,需要密集GPU计算的场景轻松占满CPU尤其是笔记本厂商,宁可Ryzen 9 4900H配1650Ti,也不愿意Ryzen 7 4800H配2060这是为啥?显卡的PCB物料很贵是一方面,也需要更...
CPU:Ryzen 9 5950x主板:微星B550 UNIFY-X暗黑版内存:海盗船复仇者灯条3600Mhz 16Gx2显卡:蓝宝石6900XT超白金电源:蓝宝石850W金牌全模硬盘:威刚XPG S11 256G为了测顶级平台的功耗我们也是费了不小的力气想办法将配置尽可能的堆高了。R9 5959X不用说了吧,Zen3在桌面平台的最强王者,不仅拥有16核32线程的超强...
Radeon RX 5600 XT (23.3.2 drivers) Ryzen 7 3700x Mi Monitor 2K Resolution at 165Hz (main Monitor and only one that can take advantage of the feature), 1080p 60Hz, 1080p 60Hz 1 Like Reply Qoojo In response to Baka Miniboss 04-01-2023 10:40 AM Empty heading ...
I was happy as i did a fresh install of windows onto a ssd and first thing i did was download the chipset drivers and it auto activated ryzen balanced powerplan after a reset, then i installed my gtx 1080 drivers, motherboard ethernet, audio driver ext and so on. I instantly noticed ...
AMD Ryzen 5 7400F 605730分 96 AMD Ryzen 5 8400F 599253分 97 Intel Core i9-7940X 598398分 98 Intel Core i5-14400 596394分 99 AMD Ryzen 7 5700X3D 593262分 100 AMD Ryzen 9 3900XT 591027分 101 Intel Core i9-10900KF 588788分 102 Intel Core i9-9920X 588784分 103...