相比Radeon显卡驱动,AMD的芯片组驱动升级频率没那么快,不过每次升级解决的问题不少,日前AMD发布了锐龙芯片组驱动4.11.15.342版,强烈推荐锐龙5000及锐龙7000用户升级,解决了多个蓝屏、死机的bug。 Ryzen Chipset Drivers主板芯片组驱动4.11.15.342版升级内容 AMD Ryzen Chipset Drivers版芯片组发布,修复了诸多...
AMD Ryzen Chipset Drivers版芯片组驱动发布,主要添加了对一些新设备的支持,包括 AMD WRX90/TRX50芯片组,AMD Ryzen 7040、Ryzen 8000G系列处理器。 此外,新版驱动还更新了多个组件驱动,譬如根据CPU型号升级FIFO存储空间大小,优化S0i3(Windows现代待机)模式,解决了Windows 11无法从S0i3模式唤醒的问题等...
AMD Ryzen Chipset Drivers版芯片组驱动发布,更新了各组件的软件及驱动支持,同时也修复了部分Bug。 支持的芯片组型号如下: - AMD A320 Chipset - AMD B350 Chipset - AMD X370 Chipset - AMD X399 Chipset - AMD B450 Chipset - AMD X470 Chipset ...
AMD MicroPEP Driver No change AMD Ryzen™ Chipset Driver installation package can be downloaded from the following link: By clicking the Download button, you are confirming that you have read and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of the End User...
amd_chipset_software_6.10.17.152.exe MD5 / SHA1 / SHA256 Checksum Show older versions Get Notified Receive an E-Mail when this download is updated. Publisher:AMD Downloaded:75,691 times (4.2 TB) This driver package contains the chipset drivers for AMD Ryzen processors for best performance and...
I realized that in the installation folder exist very few subfolders comparing to prior versions of chipset drivers. There is no always the users to be the problem. AMD fix it PC Specs O/S: Windows 10 Pro x64 (latest build version with all updates)CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 ...
How to Install AMD Ryzen™ Chipset Drivers on a Windows® Based System © 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. DISCLAIMER The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. While every precaution has been taken in th...
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X Windows 10 Pro x64 (version 21H2) with all the latest updates The problem is that it's not possible for me to install any AMD Chipset Drivers later than version 19.10.429 (called "AMD Radeon Software"), which installs normally. Starting from version
主板是华硕的B550M重炮手WIFI二代,BIOS版本为2803,芯片组为AMD Chipset DriversRevision月27日版本),散热器猫头鹰D15,中塔配合五风扇,内存为镁光C16 3600频率 16GX2套条。通过对照组逐项寻找引起CPU跑分下降的原因一,BIOS设置按F5还原为默认设置后,选择DOCP内存超频配置(C16 3600频率 1.35V),其他全...
本人配置 2600x+x470 ,一代ryzen和3xx芯片的也可以参考下。今天是看到amd官网更新了主板芯片组驱动,发现里面已经完全去除了win8时出的2015年 sata ahci驱动,只有win7用的2013年 1.2.1 sata驱动,这下官方是推荐win10只能用系统自带驱动了,本来win10下运行驱动安装程序里面也不会出现sata安装选项。大家...