Video card - AsRock RX 7900XTX Phantom Edition Drive - Kingston KC3000 1Tb PSU - Chieftec Proton 1000W The crashes are absolutely random, i.e. I can easily play, for example, Dead Space Remake or Baldurs Gate 3 at maximum settings in 2K resolution and not get a single crash, but I...
Video card - AsRock RX 7900XTX Phantom Edition Drive - Kingston KC3000 1Tb PSU - Chieftec Proton 1000W The crashes are absolutely random, i.e. I can easily play, for example, Dead Space Remake or Baldurs Gate 3 at maximum settings in 2K resolution and not get a single crash, but I...
21--A卡N卡温度高,4090供电烧接口,7900xtx温度高谁买A卡N卡谁上当。信不信由你。 Einoli Mali 8 前言,A卡N卡暗病多,想折腾,就买A卡N卡。小白A卡N卡掉驱动了发显卡吧求助。不买A卡N卡建议,靠我一个人的力量不够,还得靠大家共同努力,希望各位转发和收藏。我宁可买A770或摩尔线程也不买A卡N卡玩游戏。
I've recently been having some issues with the drivers on my 7900XTX. The card has been running great for about 7 months, however after updating to the most recent driver I've been getting "driver failed to load" errors on boot. Following the first reboot after installing the latest ...
Video card - AsRock RX 7900XTX Phantom Edition Drive - Kingston KC3000 1Tb PSU - Chieftec Proton 1000W The crashes are absolutely random, i.e. I can easily play, for example, Dead Space Remake or Baldurs Gate 3 at maximum settings in 2K resolution and not get a single crash, but I...
Video card - AsRock RX 7900XTX Phantom Edition Drive - Kingston KC3000 1Tb PSU - Chieftec Proton 1000W The crashes are absolutely random, i.e. I can easily play, for example, Dead Space Remake or Baldurs Gate 3 at maximum settings in 2K resolution and not get a single crash, but I...
关于AMD显卡驱动版本的问题,可以尝试使用较稳定的驱动版本。您可以在AMD官网或者显卡厂商的官方网站上下载适合您显卡型号的驱动版本。在选择驱动版本时,可以参考其他用户的评价和反馈,以了解哪个版本的驱动更加稳定。对于您遇到的游戏卡顿问题,可以尝试以下解决方案:1. 关闭防火墙和防护软件:一些高强度的防火墙和防护软件可...
AMD对于7900x..回头一看当初AMD 7900XTX发布所宣传的性能,现在才发现AMD官宣太保守了,但居然有人还认为AMD最擅长的是PTT...底下是依据techpowerup的实测数据,但由于只有两款游戏与官宣是一样