清除Radeon设置的缓存 有时候,Radeon设置的缓存文件可能会损坏,导致程序无法正常启动。可以尝试清除Radeon设置的缓存,方法如下:打开Windows注册表编辑器,定位到以下路径:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AMD Radeon Control Panel.exe在注册表中找到该路径后,右键点击该路径,选...
首先确保安装完成最新的AMD驱动(一般要安完重启吧 此时千万别去windows系统更新不然就…)就是在命令提示...
The “AMD software not opening” issue isdetrimental to the performance and health of your graphics card, so you should alays make sure you update your OS and drivers. Also, make sure you are careful when changing the AMD registry, as even the tiniest mistake can cause your computer not t...
第一步 先点击你安装好的AMD Radeon Software即使打不开 在任务管理器里找到他右键 选择 详细信息 找到...
先ddu把旧驱动删了,然后去amd官网下一个旧版本的驱动重新装上 来自Android客户端3楼2023-12-01 10:11 回复 Mechtaer 酷睿i9 10 把Windows自动更新驱动关了 来自Android客户端4楼2023-12-01 10:16 回复 抗压吧的 酷睿i5 8 这是windows自动更新的驱动给你驱动顶掉了,ddu卸载然后重装驱动就行了 来自...
AMD Radeon Software allows you to control basically everything about your graphics card. But after several iterations, AMD programs are still showing issues on Windows, and the most common one isAMD Radeon Software not opening. But don’t worry if you’re having the same issue. Here we’ve...
I just can't open Radeon software on my PC. I tried everything, reinstalling the Windows 10, switching to Win 11 even though my PC is not supported. Blocking driver update on Windows and then installing. Deleting the drivers using various programs, including the AMD one. ...
官网:https://www.amd.com/zh-hans/support 做好上面准备工作之后按住shift键 按重启 进入安全模式 进入安全模式后打开DDU 不用在意这里我的显卡型号 选择设备种类 选显卡 设备商选AMD 然后按左边的清除并重启 (清除的东西按默认设置来就行) 重启好后右键amd显卡驱动安装程序包选以管理员身份运行 ...
无解的问题,win1..更了一下显卡驱动和芯片驱动,然后win11就给我推了一般驱动,我没注意看就更了,更完amd radeon software软件就打不开了,我又重新装驱动,然后win11又给我推,推完amd radeo