AMD Radeon Pro Software for Enterprise 21.Q4版驱动发布,支持Radeon Pro系列专业显卡。 新版驱动更新如下: 1、AMD Radeon PRO和Radeon 6000系列显卡支持Blender 3.0软件。 2、优化AMD FRTC PRO(帧率控制)功能的电源效率。 3、解决了USB-C供电接口固件更新导致的Error-213错误。
AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 21.10.12 Optional版发布,继续为游戏进行优化,其中包含《喋血复仇》和《银河破裂者》两款新游戏。 此外,新版驱动还修复了如下Bug: 1、在部分显卡(如Radeon RX 580)上玩《刺客信条:起源》时可能会出现驱动超时或黑屏。 2、使用OpenGL运行《DOTA2》时可能遇到的游戏卡死问题。
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Radeon Software is an application provided for AMD Radeon users to control their GPU through a modern interface.
Download Windows 10/11 64-bit driver Download the all-new AMD Software Radeon Software Adrenalin 23.5.2 driver downloads. Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition is intended to provide players with fully immersive gameplay that is inspired by today's social, connected gaming world, according to the compa...
Download Windows 10/11 64-bit (Desktop) Download the all-new AMD Software Radeon Software Adrenalin 22.11.2 WHQL driver downloads. Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition is intended to provide players with fully immersive gameplay that is inspired by today's social, connected gaming world, according to...
AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition is a gaming graphics driver (Windows 10 and Windows 11) for Radeon-based graphics cards with RDNA architecture (RX 7900, RX 7800, RX 7700, RX 7600, RX 6900, RX 6800, RX 6700, RX 6600, RX 6500, RX 6400, RX 5700, RX 5600, RX 5500, RX 5300 se...
AMD Radeon Software官方版是面向AMD Radeon用户所开发的一款优秀的显卡驱动管理应用,提供了无与伦比的视觉保真度和惊人的冲击力,且经过完全重新设计的游戏应用程序,实测能够提升显卡性能10%到20%左右,还可让用户轻松控制Radeon图形硬件,游戏功能和设置,流媒体服务等,方便游戏玩家对显卡超频或降低显卡电压,从而控制引擎和...
AMD has published a graphics driver for Radeon-based graphics cards on Windows 10 and now on Windows 11 too. Adrenalin 21.9.1 brings the following changes: Support For - Deathloop™ - Call of Duty Vanguard Open Beta - AMD Smart Access Memory on Radeon
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