Run the RAMDisk Configuration Utility, select the Purchase menu item, then Enter License Key and type in your 16-digit key. You must be connected to the Internet to verify the license key. Once the key is verified, you do not need to be connected to the Internet to use the software. ...
A RAMDisk operating at maximum bandwidth does not produce excessive heat, noise or vibrations. 4 ? ? ? ? 2. Screen-by-screen definition of settings Settings Tab This is the main GUI screen you will see each time you start the "Radeon RAMDisk Configuration Utility" program in the Radeon ...
After doing everything according to the instructions, only static noise is heard, and not a single player is played.
2.Freesync, Anti-Lag deaktiviert in der Radeon Software und 3.Die Framerate habe ich begrenzt Das Hauptproblem ist wohl das Windows nicht mit dem PCI Express 4 richtig was mit anfangen kann! Seitdem kein Absturz mehr !!! 0 Likes Reply rj2736 In response to Anonymous Adept I ...