今年10月,外媒Wccftech曾报道AMD计划在12月为Radeon Software带来更多功能。现在时间已经迈入12月份,根据Reddit社区和推特用户Blaze分享的信息,以及外媒Videocardz挖掘的信息,在Andrelin 2020更新中将会引入名为“Radeon Boost”的新功能,而宣传标语“Turbocharge Your Game”将会极大提高游戏表现。 根据外媒Videocardz挖掘的信...
以下可以看到 Radeon Boost 開啟後的效能差異。在《邊緣禁地3》裡面開啟4K解析度,在 Boost 關閉的時候有29.3FPS,Boost 83%時為32.5FPS,Boost 66%時為36.9FPS,Boost 50%時為40.9FPS,效能提升接近40%。 Techpowerup 也表示透過 Shift 鍵可以手動強制 Radeon Boost ,即便在沒有移動的狀態下。下面是渲染解析度降低...
Time Spy基准测试出现在Reddit上,并被tumapisak推到了twitter上。该显卡被列为Radeon RX 590系列,核心频率速度为1,545MHz,比标准RX 580的boost频率高出200MHz。它没有显示的是核心配置的任何东西,所以我们仍然不知道这是只是一个调整的14nm Polaris 20 GPU,或更新的12nm Polaris 30芯片。目前全球代工厂有很多...
根据VideoCardz报道,在AMD金融分析师日的网络直播结束后不久,Radeon的副总裁兼总经理Scott Herkelman在Reddit上确认,即将发布的Radeon RX公版显卡将不会使用涡轮风扇设计。 2020-03-07 14:55:54 部分AMD Radeon RX 6000系列显卡搭载美光GDDR6内存 美光GDDR6显存赋能AMD Radeon RX 6700、Radeon RX 6600系列实现性能“...
The retail 4GB cards have 4GB of VRAM, per the AMA on reddit. akamateau - Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - link 4 and 8gb are currently being released.Amazon here:https://www.amazon.com/XFX-Radeon-Graphics-Cards-R...Newegg here:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N8... ak...
AMD官方人士发布在Reddit(类似贴吧)上的帖子 Concerning the AOTS image quality controversy : Amd 。
Hey everyone, I was browsing the AMD subreddit and I saw someone post a solution to the 7000 series driver time out issue. I tested the time outs related to this thread and some others from different games. I'm happy to report that the fix worked and didn't have any t...
I did find the reddit guide and capped but boost clock to 2200mhz and frame capped to 80fps with RTSS. But this is RIDICULOUS! My brother is playing HD2 with a 3600 and a gtx 1080 and is nearly getting the same performance!! Why did I pay $550 for a card that can't deliver the...
Share on Reddit (opens in a new window) Share on Hacker News (opens in a new window) Share on Flipboard (opens in a new window) When it comes to control panels and user interfaces, both AMD and Nvidia have taken an incremental approach to adding features or changing the basic ...