the relatively affordable AMD Ryzen 7 9700X is currently the fastest CPU available, beating the more expensive Ryzen 9 9900X and 9950X (and Intel’s top-end Core i9 14900K) by just over 10%. If Photoshop is more of a secondary application in your workflow, a Ryzen 9 or Int...
Intel maintains (but does not extend) their ~10% performance lead over the AMD Ryzen 7000-series processors. This means that the new 14th Gen CPUs are a solid “skip” generation for Photoshop users, and if
CPU:intel C4 2.4GHZ 主板:intel 845 内存:DDR 333 512MB 显卡:GF4 MX440 AGP8X 系统:Windows XP SP2 为什么跑photoshop时很卡,特别是图片很大时就死机. 是配制太落后了么? 如果重新配一台机器,要intel平台的,CPU,主板,显卡分别选一个什么档次的了? huhao221 采纳率:45% 等级:13 已帮助:14674人 私信TA...
AMD是属于游戏型的处理器 ,intel才是商务型的处理器 ,办公,做设计,都是选择intel的 。 8楼2020-03-16 11:20 回复 幂的方 新人乍到 1 同等价位 肯定是台式机 9楼2020-03-16 16:56 回复 yandoog 自成一派 11 专业修图选个好屏幕 来自Android客户端10楼2020-10-21 07:28 回复 ...
PS:暗影精灵性价比守门员。参考 ^Best CPUs of 2023 (Intel vs. AMD): Gaming, Video Editing, ...
的cpu使用Adobe软件出现闪退的现象,主要是某些程序员朋友在使用虚拟机安装macOS进行软件测试过程中,由于macOS只支持intel的cpu,amd的cpu是缺少一些指令集的,因此,mac OS版本的Adobe软件要使用在AMD的cpu上面,只能用打补丁的方法。 AMD-cpu打补丁的方法来了
"Intel® or AMD processor with 64-bit support; 2 GHz or faster processor with SSE 4.2 or later". My cpu is 64bit, runs Windows 10 with 6 cores @3.2ghz and is a good deal faster than a core i3 which is supported! What does SSE 4.2 do within Photoshop and is there a better ...
I do run my second copy of Photoshop on my Mac Book (not "Pro") laptop with its stock Intel GMA 950 video circuitry and its paltry 64 MB of shared system memory, and it works just fine for the aforementioned purposes of showi...