综合性能:Core i7/i5依然呈现垄断局面,FX-8350勉强跻身前十,略好于Core i5-2500K/4570T。 kong Radeon 15 系统功耗:这回轮到AMD刷榜了,FX-8350独领风骚,Phenom II X6 1100T紧随其后,都比Core i7-3970X还要猛。 kong Radeon 15 PCGH最后还推荐了不同价位最值得购买的型号,其中低端是Athlon X4 750...
CPU Family Athlon II X3 FX-Series Model / Processor Number 425 FX-8350 Measured Frequency 2709 MHz 4916 MHz CWID version 0.5 Part number (supplied) ADX425WFK32GI FD8350FRW8KHK Part number (guessed) ADX425WFK32GI FD8350FRW8KHK S-Spec / Stepping Code CADAC AD Comment 0940EPAW Genera...
The chart below shows official prices of AMD FX-8350, FX-8370, FX-8370E and FX-9370 processors: FAQ Q: I have an AMD FX-8370 microprocessor. Is it possible to upgrade it? A: No. This is the fastest processor for Socket AM3+. FX-8370 Overclocking Sorry, we do not have overclockin...
AMD自从FX-8350这一代开始就不兼容Windows 98了。(PS:包括同架构的FX-6300、4300等CPU,以及A10-...
If you still have the original 125 watt TDP rated CPU cooler that came with your FX8350 I would use that instead of the Prism. The FX8350 maximum operating temperature is around 61c so you will need a strong CPU Cooler to prevent it from going past 61c. NOTE: I wouldn't worry about...
AMD I ?一直在用AMD,昨天本来打算去电脑城把FX8350给装了,自己先前已经在X宝,X京入了长电源500W,玄冰400,跟机箱!硬盘用回旧的!共花了543,然后约好了 分享115赞 intel吧 张九伶875 5600G是最大的鸡肋5600G和5300G还有5700G这三个,应该是最大的鸡肋。 5600G降价到1300元后,整个机箱的成本大约在2600元。
独显专业软件基准测试,专业软件部分以SPEC viewperf 12为基准测试,4560在这个测试中反而最弱,不过一般也不会有人拿来干这个,影响不大。搭配独显测试小结:从测试结果来看,跑分上7350K表现不算太好,但是游戏性能非常不错,已经很接近高端CPU的水准。 赵DNF 小吧主 13 平台功耗测试:7350K的功耗略低于7500,高频还是会...
mine has a bit of a short -- I had to take the front off to fiddle with the wiring, at which point the temperature readout fell off. It was also designed in an era when CPUs drew less power and is spec'ed for a maximum of 120W. An FX-8350 running at ...