FX-8120 vs i5-3470T specifications comparison The graphs below compare the most important characteristics of the Intel Core i5-3470T and AMD FX-8120 CPUs. These features, as well as an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a processor performs. The "Number of cores / thre...
- AMD FX-8120 (95W) - Intel Core i5-3470S FX-8120 vs i5-3470S specifications comparison The graphs below compare the most important characteristics of the FX-8120 and i5-3470S CPUs. These features, along with an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a processor perform...
还是 i7好用点,不过用起来差别真不大,对于家庭实用来说,他们的性能都过于强大。i5-3470. AMD的八核,单核能力太差。i7性能过剩
处理器 显卡 手机性能排行 手机UI排行 手机AI排行 手机芯片排行 电动车天梯 更新日期:2020-12-23 台式机 笔记本 服务器 多核性能榜 处理器 综合性能榜 单核性能榜对比已滑到底部~
Intel I5 3470的性能和AMD的FX 8320差不多的性能,至少I3 3220级别的CPU才能不构成对HD7850级别的显卡的明显钳制。从天梯图上看,I5 3570K就和FX-8350持平了,I5 3570K略高于3470,就性能来说高于AMD FX8150。HD7850不是一款很高的显卡,I3 3220搭配就很好,建议用I5 3470 搭配GTX660。至少 i5 ...
Intel Core i5-3470 @ 3.20GHz,Intel Core2 Duo P8800 @ 2.66GHz,AMD Athlon X2 250,Intel Pentium E5200 @ 2.50GHz 比较 - 那个强?
FX-8120 vs i5-3475S estimated performance The charts below illustrate performance of FX-8120 (95W) and Core i5-3475S CPUs. Performance numbers for FX-8120 (95W) were determined based on a variety of tests. Results for Core i5-3475S were derived from benchmark results of other microprocessor...
就玩游戏而言,I5 3470比较合适,原因在于I5 3470单核能力强,FX 8320的优势在于多任务能力更强,对于游戏而言,用不上多任务,所以建议选择I5 3470,这两款处理器参数如下:AMD FX-8320参数:适用类型: 台式机;CPU系列: FX系列;CPU主频: 3.5GHz;动态超频最高频率: 4GHz;插槽类型: socket ...
FX-8120 vs i5-3350P performance comparison The charts in the table below illustrate relative performance of FX-8120 (95W) and Core i5-3350P microprocessors in various types of programs. The numbers for 'Single-threaded performance', 'Multi-threaded performance' and 'Discrete Graphics performance'...