That's the equivalent of CUDA, as in, direct access to the GPU. Why @Dekaohtoura doesn't have it... that's a mystery, it comes standard with the Adrenalin installation. I don't know guys, I'm using 24.9.1 after a DDU/shutdown install (to change the card). It doe...
A fair amount of it-- tens of millions of dollars at least-- are going to developing the software that will run on the El Capitan supercomputer, and the goal there is to take aim at these ROCm, which is their version of Cuda (but it's an open-source version) and bring that up ...
当ROCm能够比较接近CUDA的表现时,AMD的计算卡就能成为Nvidia的一个合格“下位替代”,而这将会给AMD带来巨大的高利润市场增长空间和业绩上升机会,以当前不到 160 $股价的股价来说,ROCm 的实在进展,使得AMD 展现了在中期持续上涨的潜力。 原文首发于知乎- 2024-10-25 17:11...
Greetings. In these times of increasing AI programs, I think AMD is falling short. A lot of AI tools prefer Cuda instead of ROCm. For example, even
看AMD的卡,或者任何一家想挑战老黄地位的企业,衡量在AI计算与Nvidia的差距,最关键的还不是硬件,而是软件生态,也就是ROCm与CUDA 的生态之差。对于如日中天的英伟达来说,与其说显卡技术是护城河,不如说最大的护城河是CUDA,2007年就发布的CUDA,已包含了众多深度学习中至关重要的数据计算库,如cublas(矩阵计算),cuspa...
早在CUDA8/9出来时就听闻对RNN有特别优化,rocm还需努力啊。2.4 Transformer benchmark 最激动人心的...
Premiere is still better coded for CUDA support than the rough equivalent of AMD cards. So staying with Nvidia cards is wiser for Premiere users. Even Resolve tends to do a bit better with "equivalent" Nvidia cards compared to AMD. So actually, for both Premiere and Resolve, it is no...
Although AMD didn’t explicitly make this connection during the event, the emergence of CDNA as a separate architecture may explain why we’ve seen no formal ROCm support for Navi 10 under Linux. (ROCm is AMD’s open source GPGPU computing platform that translates...
append(CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS "-fsycl-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda") endif() if(DNNL_AMD_ENABLE_SYCL_KERNELS) append(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "-fsycl-targets=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -Xsycl-target-backend --offload-arch=${DNNL_AMD_SYCL_KERNELS_TARGET_ARCH}") append(CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_...
AMD equivalent term to "CUDA core" is "Stream processor". This is all marketing, both mean the same basic thing. CUDA is API. Its counterpart/competitor is OpenCL. As far as they have publicly said, Nvidia does not have the same type of stable-ish ISA for their GPUs as AMD...