7nm 制程、RDNA 2 架构的 Navi 21 GPU,其芯片面积达 519mm2、共 26.8 billion 晶体管,分别推出 RX 6900 XT、RX 6800 XT 与 RX 6800,三者在 GPU 运算单元 CU 数与频率有所不同,而内存规格则都一视同仁 16GB GDDR6 与 128MB AMD Infinity Cache;只不过 RX 6900 XT 将在 12/8 号上市,届时再来聊聊这...
Radeon™ RX 6800 XT显卡 7nm GPU RDNA 2 架构 显存 16GB GDDR6 多屏显示 最多4 Displays 分辨率 HDMI™: 7680×4320 DisplayPort1.4: 7680×4320 USB-C: 7680x4320 接口类型 PCI-Express 4.0 接口 1x HDMI 2x DisplayPort 1x USB-C BIOS 支持 ...
1、打开网络浏览器,访问AMD官方网站在网站首页或菜单中找到“支持”或“Support”选项,并选择“驱动与软件”(Drivers & Software)。2、在“驱动与软件”页面中,选择您的显卡型号和操作系统。在显示出适用于显卡和操作系统的驱动列表后,点击“下载”按钮,将最新驱动程序下载到您的计算机。3、下载完成后,运行下...
Hi, I recently bought a used RX 6800. When I plug everything into my computer, all I see is the fans spinning and the lights turning on, but there's no display. I tried switching between two different monitors (one using DisplayPort and the other using HDMI), but neither of them ...
Okay i need somewhere to vent my frustrations with current AMD RX 6800 drivers, first of all i'm on latest drivers 23.9.2. The first issue i have with latest driver is with Firefox and viewing Youtube in fullscreen causes my entire PC to freeze for a solid 10-20 seconds going in ...
Solved: Hey AMD, I am posting this NOT because I believe it, I don't believe a driver cand kill a card, unless it somehow stop the fan completely, but here's
下午折腾到晚上了,6..以前用的rx580,用的BFRC+Potplayer补帧没有任何问题,结果现在6800的深红驱动里都没有这个AMD Fluid Motion Video选项了于是我跑去BFRC的官网看有没有解决方法,
RX 6800 Black screen under load So not the first one to get this issue, there have been countless topics about this, and AMD has been a bit silent on this lineup. Would we be seeing any driver updates this month? To summarize the issue:During gaming, all monitors go black, the GPU ...
RX 6800和RTX 3070的速度差距非常小,但RTX 3070在CUDA优化的加持下还是更胜一筹;RX 6800XT比RTX ...
AMD 推出第五代 AMD EPYC 嵌入式处理器,为网络、存储与工业边缘市场提供领先性能、效率及长产品生命周期 March 11, 2025 AMD 发布新一代 AMD RDNA™ 4 架构,推出 AMD Radeon™ RX 9000 系列显卡 AMD 发布新一代 AMD RDNA™ 4 架构,推出 AMD Radeon™ RX 9000 系列显卡 ...