3 选择适合自己 cpu 的 Threads 不明白就保持 auto。双核心选 2 四核心、双核心四线程选 4 四核心八线程选 8。过多线程会降低性能 影响准确性。 4 在 Stress Level 中选择使用的内存大小 默认 Standard 即可。手动设置选Custom 不要小于 1024MB 影响准确性 不要大于 Available RAM 32bit系统不要大于 2047MB...
锐龙的CPU对VMw..刚上了套2600X+ MSI B450M Mortar Max ,挂两个VMware录直播视频,再开个LOL玩个大乱斗,不出1个小时,就会死机重启,基本上是VMware占用CPU40%以上,再开个LO
IBT(IntelBurnTest)简单使用方法: 1,打开软件,在Start点右键,选XtremeStressMode(打勾)。 2,把Timestorun从5改为20。 3,选择适合自己cpu的Threads,不明白就保持auto。双核心选2,四核心、双 核心四线程选4,四核心八线程选8。过多线程会降低性能,影响准确性。
内存超频奇葩问题,求..平台如下:cpu: 5900x主板:华硕x570-e gaming内存:皇家戟3600c16 16g x4 (海力士 c-die)硬盘:三星970evo m.2显卡:3080以下均在关闭PBO+定压
As a mostly ST test, the consumer processors do best here. However overall, TR Pro does better than TR. Dolphin v5.0 Emulation:Link Many emulators are often bound by single thread CPU performance, and general reports tended to suggest that Haswell provided a significant boost to emulator perfor...
Given that the memory controller is integrated into the CPU, I suspect that the CPU is faulty. Can anyone with pertinent experience confirm or refute this?Is there a software package from AMD that can diagnose this issue or at least run tests on the CPU? Would AMD be willing to ship a ...
Hardware: Radeon RX6800XT (still cool hardware), CPU AMD Ryzen 7 5700X, Chipset B450. Problem is there in 23.9.2 and 23.9.3. Rollback to version 23.9.1 and everything works fine again. Still no hope that AMD will fix that asap; no matter how detailed and loud we ...