amd a6 640..CPU部分是双核心单模块,虽然主频高达3.9G,但是性能很差。核显是HD8470D,GCN 192SP 800MHZ,性能比610略强一点。CPU部分弱,核显比同价位IU强但也不怎么样。如果预算很低又
A6 6400K属于APU系列处理器,是由核显的,属于双核心双线程处理器,不支持超线程技术,这款处理器具体参数如下:适用类型:台式机;CPU系列:APU A6;CPU主频:3.9GHz;动态超频最高频率:4.1GHz;插槽类型:Socket FM2;二级缓存:1MB;核心数量:双核心;热设计功耗(TDP):65W。
AMD A6-6400K可以选择华硕A58M-K、A68HM-PLUS、A78M-E、A88X-PLUS、F2A55-M LK、F2A85-M等主板
A6-6400K vs i5-6400 performance comparison The charts in the section below show relative performance of A6-6400K and Core i5-6400 processors in various kinds of programs. To calculate displayed numbers we averaged results for several tests for each specific program type. Consequentally, the shown...
AMD A6-6400K advantages Operating frequency of the microprocessor is higher than the frequency of the i5-7500 CPU. The A6-6400K supports XOP instructions, that were introduced in the recent past. These extensions are not extensively used by applications yet, however their support should improve ...
A6 6400K和X4 850各有各的优点和缺点。首先,A6 6400K最大的优势在于它内置了核显,这意味着用户可以在不需要额外购买显卡的情况下,组装一台完整的电脑。这种设计对于预算有限或者不需要高性能图形处理的用户来说,无疑是非常吸引人的。然而,X4 850在性能方面则更胜一筹。尽管它不自带核显,但其...
i5-3570K Intel Celeron 2 GHz Piledriver Pentium 4 800FSB AMD 3.3GHz 8MB Mini Review AMD A6-6400K advantages The microprocessor has Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) instructions enabled. This technology accelerates AES encryption and decryption, and is useful if you run programs, that protect you...
Compare AMD A6-6400K with... Other Intel Core i5 CPU: Intel Core i5-10400FIntel Core i5-10400TIntel Core i5-10400Intel Core i5-10500EIntel Core i5-10500TEIntel Core i5-10500TIntel Core i5-10500Intel Core i5-10505Intel Core i5-10600KFIntel Core i5-10600KIntel Core i5-10600TIntel Core...