I believe, this is the correct model and there is 2 model of A314-41 and on device manager on other laptop on pre-installed Windows tells A4-9120E with Radeon R3. Ive been tried 7th Gen A4-9120 APU driver also is not working. https://www.acer.com/ac/en/ID/content/model/NX.H7...
The processor is called AMD A4-9125, but I can only find A4-6210, A4-7210 or A4 Micro-6400T with Radeon R3 among the drivers for laptops. Sorry, but I'm not really that much into computers. 0 Likes Reply goodplay In response to equinox_ MVP 09-08-2019 10:17 AM ...
AMD A 系列 A4-6300,搭載 Radeon™ HD 8370D AMD A 系列 A4-6320,搭載 Radeon™ HD 8370D AMD A 系列 A4-7210,搭載 Radeon™ R3 Graphics AMD A 系列 A4-7300,搭載 Radeon™ HD 8470D AMD A 系列 A4-9120 APU AMD A 系列 A4-9120C APU AMD A 系列 A4-9125 APU AMD A 系列 A6-520...
AMD Radeon R3 Integrated Graphics Integrated Graphics AMD Radeon R4 Series Touchscreen No Warranty & Returns Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information Warranty Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website. ...
AMDA 系列A4-6210,搭載 Radeon™ R3 Graphics AMDA 系列A4-6300,搭載 Radeon™ HD 8370D AMDA 系列A4-6320,搭載 Radeon™ HD 8370D AMDA 系列A4-7210,搭載 Radeon™ R3 Graphics AMDA 系列A4-7300,搭載 Radeon™ HD 8470D AMDA 系列A4-9120 APU ...
AMD A 시리즈 Radeon™ HD 8370D 포함 A4-6300 AMD A 시리즈 Radeon™ HD 8370D 포함 A4-6320 AMD A 시리즈 Radeon™ R3 Graphics 포함 A4-7210 AMD A 시리즈 Radeon™ HD 8470D 포함 A4-7300 AMD A 시리즈 A4-9120 APU AMD A ...
I believe, this is the correct model and there is 2 model of A314-41 and on device manager on other laptop on pre-installed Windows tells A4-9120E with Radeon R3. Ive been tried 7th Gen A4-9120 APU driver also is not working. https://www.acer.com/ac/en/ID/content/model/NX.H7...