Compare AMD A4-5000 with... Other Intel Core i3 CPU: Intel Core i3-10100EIntel Core i3-10100FIntel Core i3-10100TEIntel Core i3-10100TIntel Core i3-10100Intel Core i3-10105FIntel Core i3-10105TIntel Core i3-10105Intel Core i3-10300TIntel Core i3-10300Intel Core i3-10305TIntel Core ...
参数对比 名称Intel Core i3-5005U @ 2.00GHzAMD A4-5000 APU 性能排名第3149名第3727名 得分2,0121,272 TDP15 W15 W TDP Down 插槽类型FCBGA1168FT3 核心数24 线程数44 主频2.0 GHZ1.5 GHZ 睿频 发布时间Q1 2015Q2 2013 接口调用|联系我们
Operating frequency of the Intel i3-2120 is higher than the frequency of the A4-5000 microprocessor. The CPU has more memory bandwidth, which is very beneficial to memory bound applications. Performance gains in tasks, that are not memory-bound, will be much lower than 66%. ...
AMD A4-5000 APU,Intel Core i3-3217U @ 1.80GHz,Intel Celeron N2940 @ 1.83GHz,Intel Celeron N3450 @ 1.10GHz 比较 - 那个强?
kabini的a4-5000比之i3-3217u,不看基显部分,就比cpu性能,哪个更强?有pcmark或者象棋之类跑分测评么?因为看到东芝的S40DT-AT01M(a4-5000)和华硕的s400(i3-3217u)卖得价钱几乎相同,所以来问一下,哪个性价比高? 送TA礼物 1楼2013-07-04 14:37回复 舰队司令官0 三华聚顶 16 A4怎么和i3比,A4只有一...
处理器性能是I3-3217稍微强一点 不过显卡是HD8670强 虽然这显卡是低端显卡而非他所宣称的高端显卡 不过比英特尔HD核芯显卡还是要好一些 总的来讲 这两种笔记本都很坑爹 不论是处理器还是显卡性能都非常低端 问下 他们的价格是多少?高于2500就别买 直接买3200左右的宏碁E1-572G I5-4200U处理器 R7 ...
AMD A4-5000 vsIntel i3-2120T Similar processors use the same socket and architecture as A4-5000 and i3-2105, but their performance and other characteristics are a bit different. Specifications Please visitAMD A4-5000andIntel Core i3-2105pages for detailed specifications of both microprocessors. ...
Compare AMD A4-5000 with... Other Intel Core i3 CPU: Any CPU: Compare Intel Core i3-2130 with... Other AMD A4-Series for Notebooks CPU: Any CPU: Note: To see differences with any CPU, type in any combination of the following into the "Any CPU" field: manufacturer name, full...