AMD software and drivers are designed to work best for up-to-date operating systems. Please be sure to update your operating system before installing drivers. *By clicking the "Download" button, you are confirming that you have read and agree to be bound by theEnd User License Agreement. You...
Initially had no issues playing halo infinite on the 5700xt. A few days ago I can go all the way into a game then I get a driver timeout error. Checked different Ram, PSU seems to be running strong, temps good. I ran a memory test that came back clean. I typically only play ...
Hello, today I saw that a new driver 24.1.1 has been released for the RX 5700 XT. I successfully installed it and decided to restart the computer, but lo and behold, it hangs tightly on the Windows desktop. Now I have successfully rolled back the version to 22.40.46 Thank you for ...
去把你现在这个驱动卸载干净,然后去痘印搜amd显卡驱动安装,就行了 来自Android客户端3楼2023-10-30 04:25 收起回复 吃不完的肉 i9未知版 12 下载Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU),进安全模式用DDU把显卡驱动删干净 来自Android客户端4楼2023-10-30 04:32 回复 ...
可能是版本不一致导致的中间的一些包装不了 换了个系统后再找相应的驱动包:这是我的对应驱动包 安装: 我用的是 os x就用他的命令行scp过去后 ...
本吧热帖: 1-amd显卡吧吧主招募结果公示 2-[公告]关于撤销 QQ125796828 吧主管理权限的说明 3-AFMF2 锁帧怎么搞? 4-6950xt严重降频掉帧 5-昨天微软更新,我的显卡驱动出问题了 6-AMD 6900xt黑屏重启解决方案 7-大佬进,黑屏问题到底是内存还是显卡还是主板的锅 8-有大佬知
盈通6600XT,什么游戏都会卡顿,有没有大佬看看啥问题 乐崽子逗 利用率和功耗我看别人都是很稳定的,我这个跌宕起伏,A卡驱动尝试过设置调整,改了就容易掉驱动 U是i5-12490f,内存3200频率16G 乐崽子逗 11-18 23 amd log utility driver未找到驱动程序 逍遥绯龙 更新19.12.2后出现amd log utility driver未...
We hebben de 5700 XT en 2070 Super getest met tien maanden aan driverupdates. We kijken naar de resultaten van de geteste games en pogen de vraag te beantwoorden: welke rijpt beter? Click to expand... Correct me if i'm wrong but isn't this ...