最近刚参加了AMCAT(Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test)考试,来分享一下我的备考经验和考试内容。AMCAT是一种被跨国公司用来测试应聘者推理、技术、逻辑和英语能力的考试。考试内容: 英语理解能力测试:这部分主要测试你的语法、词汇和英语理解能力。我遇到的是20道题/20分钟,包括词汇、句子和阅读理解题。根据岗位不...
Aspiring Minds 5.0 • 3 Ratings Free Screenshots iPhone iPad Description AMCAT is a 90 minute test which matches your skills to jobs. AMCAT matches you to 1000s of jobs and guides you to jobs you are most likely to succeed in. Get certifications which are recognized by 3000+ global corpor...
The Aspiring Minds conducts the Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test. AMCAT is a multi-dimensional test with the compulsory and additional skill-specific module consisting of tests like: Aptitude (consisting of English, Quantitative Ability and Logical Ability) Personality Test Aspiring Minds Personality...
AMCAT - India's most credible employability test for B. Tech., B.E., B.Com., B.Sc., B.A., MCA, MBA freshers. Get AMCAT Score and apply for jobs in IT, Banking, Retail, Marketing & BPO. Get complete fresher's jobseeker kit: AMCAT, Resume Builder & Intervi
此App 只在 iPhone 和 iPad 的 App Store 中提供。 AMCAT Test4+ Aspiring Minds 5.0 • 3 个评分 免费 截屏 iPhone iPad 简介 AMCAT is a 90 minute test which matches your skills to jobs. AMCAT matches you to 1000s of jobs and guides you to jobs you are most likely to succeed in. ...
好准备,海南大学就业发展指导中心与国际顶尖测评机构爱斯曼德(Aspiring Minds)合作,引进AMCAT全球标准化职业能力测评,为同学们提供科学全面 的职业评估,并针对每位学生提供制定化的职业规划与指导报告。 AMCAT全球标准化职业能力测评由麻省理工学院和哈佛商学院学者联合研制 ...
As India's biggest player in the field of employability assessment, Aspiring Minds had initiated National Employability Conclave in 2012 to provide a single platform for employers and talent custodians to spur new thoughts and best practices in tailor-making the training and placeme...