AMC即将收购位于洛杉矶的两家知名影院。 在今年4月,成立于1946年的Pacific Theatres就曾宣布将关停旗下17家影院。包括位于太平洋地区的6家影院和11家位于南加州及其他地区的影院。 其中就包括,位于洛杉矶的两家购物中心的这两家影院,The Grove 和 Americana Theaters。 在最新的购票网站上,AMC旗下的影院悄悄新增了“AMC...
Showtimes & TicketsLos Angeles, CADallas, TXNew York, NYMovie TheatersAMC TheatresCinemark Theatres VideosMovie TrailersMoviefone TVMade In HollywoodMovie ClipsCelebrity InterviewsMade In Hollywood Teen Movie GenresThriller MoviesScience Fiction MoviesDrama MoviesHorror MoviesWestern MoviesRomance Movies TV ...
AMC Theatres follows a strict policy regarding R-Rated Films. Any guest under the age of 17 must have someone with them who is 21 or over to purchase the ticket and that companion must be there to watch the film with them. Anyone under the age of 17 must also present an ID to be ...
Starlight Lakewood Center Theatres (15.3 mi) Art Theatre (15.8 mi) Starlight Whittier Village Cinemas (15.9 mi) Cinemark Downey and XD (16.5 mi) Cinemark at The Pike Outlets and XD (16.9 mi) Regal Edwards Aliso Viejo & IMAX (17.5 mi) Bianchi Paramount Stadium 11 (17.6 mi) Paramoun...
AMC Dine-In Theatres Marina 6 Cinemark Playa Vista and XD Cinemark 18 & XD AMC The Grove 14 AMC Sunset 5 Cimemark Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza 15 Regal Sherman Oaks Galleria Universal Cinema AMD at Citywalk Regal North Hollywood ...
Since 1920, AMC Theatres has delivered the most entertaining...(Show more) Open until 11:00 PM (Show more) (317) 784-0989 amctheatres @amctheatres You might also like Cinemark Greenwood Corner Movie Theater 1848 E Stop 13 Rd (...
amctheatres.comType: Movie theater Description: movie theater in Ardmore, Oklahoma, United States Address: 106, 2401 12th Avenue Northwest, Ardmore, OK 73401Notable Places in the AreaArdmore station Railway station Photo: Emersonbiggins85, CC BY-SA 3.0. Ardmore is an Amtrak train station in ...
TheatresTheme ParkTower BuildingTower BuildingsTower PropertyTreatment PlantsTree HouseTunnelTunnelsUnderground StructureUniversitiesVastuVentilatorVillaVilla PropertyWare HouseWarehouseWater ParkWest (W) Facing ApartmentWest (W) Facing BuildingWest (W) Facing FlatsWest (W) Facing HouseWest (W) Facing Property...
From AMC Showplace Manteca 16 to Brenden Theatres Modesto 18 From AMC Showplace Manteca 16 to Taxi Cab From AMC Showplace Manteca 16 to Comfort Inn & Suites From AMC Showplace Manteca 16 to Best Western I-5 Inn & Suites From AMC Showplace Manteca 16 to Fitness Evolution Health Clubs Mode...
这两家影院是今年6月申请破产的Pacific Theatres的一部分,其中一家位于洛杉矶的Grove购物区,另一家位于格兰岱尔(Glendale)。AMC本周一表示,该公司将控制一项长期租约,并重新命名这两家影院。 这次收购对AMC来说是一次胜利。该公司首席执行官亚当·艾伦(Adam Aron)表示,新冠大流行让AMC有机会以较低成本收购一些影院,这...