Student Discount (Only On Thursdays)$15 - $17 Military Discount (After 4P.M.)$15 - $17 IMAX Children (ages 2-12)$15 - $18 Prices are updated for 2023.Click here to buy tickets from AMC now. History of AMC Theaters AMC Theaters started out in 1920 and was originally known asDurwood...
Discount Tuesdays Many AMC locations offer reduced ticket prices on Tuesdays. Student Discounts Some theaters provide discounts for students with a valid ID. Combo Deals Look out for combo promotions that offer discounted tickets and concessions when purchased together. What amenities are available at ...
student discount on thursdays! last i went at night, it was $8.50 Upvote1Downvote Yola LuMay 26, 2011 If you watch a movie before noon, tickets are $6 each. Upvote4Downvote ForrestJanuary 19, 2016 Sneak in your snacks UpvoteDownvote Mei MeiJune 28, 2023 Been here 10+ times Movie...